Page 34 of Apple of His Eye
The car door opens, and he yanks me out of my seat. I try to scream, to fight back, but my body doesn’t respond. Raymond smiles down menacingly at me, cradling my body like a newborn baby.
“I’ve been looking for you, Everleigh,” he drawls, in a voice that has haunted my dreams since the moment I first heard it. I look around, trying to see who else it with him. Boots crunch on the gravel nearby, but whoever’s with him is careful to keep out of sight.
No, this can’t be happening.
“What the fuck took you so long, Tor?” Maria snarls, exiting her vehicle and coming around the back end.
“Cool your heels Triple Time, we’re here now,” Raymond growls at the woman who bated me to trust her.
I feel like a fool. An all too trusting and naïve fool.
“Well, hurry and leave. I’ve got to the bar for my shift. I don’t want the Jackals suspecting anything out of the ordinary.”
“You sure they don’t already know?” Raymond tears his gaze from me. He looks at Maria like she is a bug he wants to squish. “Don’t they have the compound wired like a vault?”
“Yeah, but I was able to take care of it, per Dodger’s instructions.” Maria’s voice fades. I don’t know if it’s because she’s walking away or because Raymond carries me around the van. “Once they see me walk in on camera at the bar, I’ll be one less suspect. Hey, let Hog know I’ll be in touch.”
I hear the mustang’s engine rev and a moment later speed away.
What am I going to do? How’s Kohen going to find me?
I send up a pray hoping Maria didn’t do anything to Millie. She might be the only one who can save me.
Raymond jostles me over his shoulder, pulling me back from my thoughts. I hear the sliding door of the van open and he tosses me inside. My body slams into the hard metal, and I scream internally as blinding pain fills my mind.
Fuck, this is bad. Really fucking bad, I pant, trying to fight through it, but it’s too much. Darkness surrounds the edges of my vision, making the last thing I see before it consumes me, Raymond’s smug face.
“You’re mine now, Princess.”
Icut the engine of my bike, feeling the frustration of the day wear on me a little.
And what a fucking day it shaped into.
Our plan to bust in on the Wolves went south, and the warehouse we planned to raid was emptied overnight. How we missed it happening, I’m not sure, but they left the place so clean it couldn’t have been a coincidence.
We need to figure out how they got the jump on us, and fast. My best guess is they found the cameras we had on them, but we didn’t know for sure. Not until Code got back to run the footage.
I unclip my helmet and drag in a breath, letting myself think of Everleigh’s smiling face.
God, I fucking missed her today, but I’m happier than shit to have a woman like her to come home to.
If it wasn’t for Dutch pounding on my door this morning about the meeting, I instructed Code to call the Jackals in for, I’d probably still be in bed counting her orgasms.
My Wildcat was everything I thought she’d be. Passionate. Responsive. Submissive, when necessary, and unapologetically demanding the rest of the time.