Page 35 of Apple of His Eye
Her perfect cunt took my cock without hesitation. When she sucked me in and clamped down, I swore I was having an out-of-body experience. I could see her and me, and we were perfectly connected as one. Like we were always meant to be.
I step into the clubhouse and the scent of scorched food smacks me in the face. I smiled, wondering if the smell was any sign of how things went in the kitchen. Everleigh wanted to learn and warned Millie about her lack of experience, but Millie didn’t hesitate to take my woman under her wing.
From the smell, I hope Millie has a backup plan for a group of hungry bikers about to file in, because there’s nothing appealing about the thought of burned spaghetti.
Dutch and Bane enter next, but they stop dead in their tracks.
“What the fuck is that smell?” Dutch chokes, pinching his nose dramatically. Bane grunts, looking around the room for danger. The man is always on high alert.
“Everleigh asked Millie to teach her how to make homemade sauce,” I explain, crossing moving through the double doors into the kitchen. Neither Millie nor my Wildcat are manning the sauce pot smoking on the stovetop.
What the fuck?
“Wildcat, we’re back,” I holler, twisting the knob on the stovetop and killing the flame. I wonder if they got caught up in the other chores Millie mentioned this morning and forgot about the sauce. “Millie?”
But wouldn’t they smell it?
The kitchen is clean, except for the ladle laying haphazardly on the counter closest to the stove. The sight of it causes my stomach to sink. In all the years she cooked for the Jackals, I can’t think of a single meal Millie’s burned.
“Dutch. Bane,” I shout, clamping down on my growing panic.
Something’s wrong.
Very wrong.
Dutch peeks his head in. “Prez?”
“Go, check Millie’s room,” I urge, moving out of the kitchen and down the hallway toward the laundry room. I clamp down on my thoughts, trying to keep my imagination from running wild. The door is shut, and I try opening it, but it doesn’t budge. It feels like there is something against it—holding it in place.
“Millie? Wildcat? Are you in there?” I shove a little harder and call out to them. Maybe they’ve barricaded themselves in the room. The door budges a little, and I feel the weight behind it shift. Through the crack, I see Millie’s body slump forward.
“Millie?” I shout, pushing even harder. The door gives a little more and I’m able to squeeze into the room. The laundry is strewn across the room, like Millie fought someone off, but with no other access to the room, I don’t understand how she could have done so and ended up against the door. I crouch down to check for a pulse and her breathing.
She’s alive.
Thank fuck.
But where is my wildcat?
“Prez?” I hear Bane shout, coming down the hallway. “Did you find them?”
“It’s Millie,” I answer, searching the older woman’s body for any sign of injury. There is none. “She’s unconscious. Call Doc, get him here now. Did you find Everleigh?”
Bane opens the door wide, typing a hurried message into his phone. “No, she wasn’t in your room.”
My heart stutters to a stop, and I look up at him in disbelief. “Did you check in the gym?”
“I did a perimeter check. There’s no sign of her, V. Of anyone.” Dutch steps in behind Bane. He spots Millie on the floor. “Is it safe to move her?”
“There’s no sign of blood or trauma. I think it’s best to get her ready for Doc.” I shift, and carefully lift Millie into my arms. Her body is cold, telling me she’s been out for some time. “She was leaning against the door. How long until the rest of the crew get here?” The rumble of motors sounds off in the distance, answering me before either man gets the chance. “Come on, help me get her to her room.”
“Here, let me take her. Doc’ll be here in fifteen and Pap’s not far behind,” Bane takes Millie from me, letting me guide down the hallway toward her room.Fuck, Pappy’s going to flip his shit.He and Millie might not be an official, but there isn’t a single Jackal in this club that doesn’t know who she belongs to—and I don’t mean as the club’s surrogate mother. Pappy’s been in love with Millie for years. In fact, that’s how she got her name, Little Mama. He gave it to her, claimed it went perfectly with his own.
Once Bane lays her gently down on the bed, I spring into action. Taking the stairs two at a time, I fling open every door, looking for any sign of my woman. Only there isn’t any.