Page 57 of His Darkest Desires
"What the hell do you think I'm trying to do? Just tell me what it is you found out, Nolan. What is so bad? You're fucking freaking me the hell out right now."
"I tracked down Stacy Ingram and she told me how Jared tied her up and tried to strangle her when she turned him down to be his girlfriend. But she said that as she was about to lose consciousness, he let her go and told her he wanted to show her just how easily he could snuff her life out if he so chose to. He told her that she was to be friendly to him when she saw him, or he would kill her. Also told her that if she told anyone about that incident, he would kill her little sister, who was in second grade at the time.”
I wiped a hand down my face, trying to calm myself. "What the fuck? I knew, I just knew he was fucked up in the head the first time I ever talked to him. What else? Did you speak to Rebecca Simmons from his college?"
Staying silent for a moment, he finally said, "No. I wasn't able to because she's dead, Archer. She was killed the same way as the other woman you are investigating. She filed a stalking complaint with the campus police, but it seems someone brushed it under the carpet. I found out that the Dean of the school at the time was a close friend of his parents, which explains why the local police were never contacted regarding the complaint. She was killed about a year later. Her body was found in an alleyway.” Fear sliced right through me after Nolan informed me of his findings.
"Shit! Why didn't they go after Jared since she died, and tell the campus police about him stalking her? And if the Dean knew, surely, he couldn't ignore a murder? I would think Jared would have been their prime suspect."
"He was one of ten men that were, but he alibied out. He had two witnesses to his whereabouts that night at the time of the murder. Also, the Dean suffered a massive stroke four months prior to the murder, he was basically a vegetable and unable to communicate anything about the incident to anyone. And with the turnover rate with the campus police, anyone who was there at the time the complaint was filed had moved on, so it went unnoticed."
"Who were the two witnesses that gave him the alibi? Do you have a copy of the police report with you?"
"Yeah, I do. Let me take look here, I know I saw their names, give me just a second." Waiting for what felt like forever, he finally said, "The names I have here are a Margo Stewart and a Logan Mathews."
When he said their names, my blood ran cold. "Mother fucker! Logan was the last one to see Sloane before she disappeared! I'm going to kill him! Call me if you find anything else out." I told him before hanging up.
"What the hell was that all about?" Dalton asked. I explained to everyone everything that Nolan had just told me about Jared, Margo, and Logan, leaving the same expression on their faces that was on mine. "We need to really look into any and all locations that Jared, Margo, and Logan would have either hung out at or stayed in." Looking over at Riker, Dalton asked. “Can you tap into their recent credit card and bank activity? Maybe they made a mistake somewhere along the line and purchased a hotel to hole up in, or just anything that can give us any clue as to where they might have taken her."
“Absolutely, I'll get started on it now.” Riker told him as he began tapping away on his laptop.
“I'm going to call Hamilton and let him know what we found out about Logan, and Margo.” Slade announced before getting on his phone.
And then an idea hit me. “Slade. How well did Reyna know Jared? Had she ever hung out with Jared and Sloane anywhere? Maybe she knows something we don’t.”
“Great idea. I'll call her right now before I call the Detective and ask her. After Slade finished up talking with Reyna, he filled us in. “So, the only two places they ever hung out together was Sloane's place, or his place. But she did say that Sloane talked about some beach that he took her to awhile back and talked about going there again before they broke things off. It was called Whihala Beach. It has a few homes that surround it. Think they might take her there and hide?”
“Don't know, but we’re going to check it out first and let the Detectives talk with Seth and Dom.” As we changed directions to head out to the beach to search for her, I prayed with everything inside of me that Jared loved her enough to protect her from Logan, and Margo, and more importantly, from himself.
After Jared told methat he was going to share his secret with me, I felt panic begin to rise-up inside of me about what it was he would to do to me. If Margo, and Logan were into snuff films and he knew about it, even participated in them sometimes, then I had to ask myself if he wasn’t going to kill me just like they killed the others.