Page 58 of His Darkest Desires
I know what I had to do now.
I needed to make him see me as someone he loved again.
Hopefully enough not to hurt me.
Then another thought pushed its way to the forefront of my mind, and it could very well become my reality. Would he force me to have sex with him? Is he really going to rape me if I say no to him? “Where's that head of yours at, Sloane?” I heard him ask, snapping me out of my panicked thoughts and back to this nightmare that had come to life.
“Yes, baby?”
“Are you going to hurt me?”
Walking closer to me, he started to run his hand down the side of my cheek, cupping it. “I guess that all depends on you, now doesn't it.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“It means, I want you to tell me all the kinky things that bastard made you do with him, and don't lie to me, baby. Not if you want me to forgive you for leaving me for him. You need to confess all of your sins to me. Then I'll decide if I'm able to forgive you and keep you asmine.”
“H-he hasn't done anything really kinky with me yet. H-he’s been trying to go slow with me because I'm new to all of this.” I lied to him, hoping that he would still see me as an innocent in his eyes. “The only thing he's tried is tying my arms to the bed.”
“Well then you should feel right at home tied down on my little cot here.” Taking a deep breath, he asked. “Did he fuck you, Sloane? Did he fuck what you told me wasmineto have?”
“Jared, I don’t think...”
“Did he fuck you?!” He shouted, getting so close to my face when he did that it startled me. “It's a simple fucking question!”
“Y-yes.” I replied in a shaky whisper.
Pacing around the room like a caged animal, he rammed his hand through his hair, becoming very agitated from my answer, the answer I was hoping I wouldn't have to give, knowing that this would be his reaction. “I treated you like gold! I treated you better than any of the others, Sloane. Do you know how many times I could have killed you like Logan, and Margo wanted me to?!” Kicking Logan’s lifeless body on the ground, he turned back to face me. “What you don't know is, I’m the one who saved you! You were supposed to be next! It was my job to gain your trust so they could get you and Janessa into the club and make their snuff films! You were the one they wanted the most, but I fell in love with you! It was me that told them they couldn't have you, that you were mine! But then you just had to go crawling back tohim! Saying you were still in love with him! Ripping my heart right out of my fucking chest and destroying it like it meant nothing to you!”
“Jared, I-I'm so sorry.”
Chuckling, he said, “I even gave you another chance. Begged you to come back to me, but you still chosehim! You left me no choice other than to let them have you. But then I still couldn't do it, I couldn't let them take your life because I loved you so much. No, I thought to myself, if anyone is going to end you, it has to be me. It has to be me to share that final moment with you in this life and watch the way you look when you take your final breath with those beautiful lips. The look in your eyes as I watch the life fade out of them and into mine, making you mine for eternity.”
It hit me hard just how much I never really knew him and knew the psychopath he truly was. “Jared, please. Please don't kill me. We can just run away together. I choose you. I want you.” I tried convincing him. “Archer has broken my heart too many times and I just can't forgive him this time. He’ll never come between us again, I promise. Please, can you ever forgive me Jared, and stay with me?”
Brushing the hair back from my face, he leaned down and kissed my forehead. “Oh baby, I know he’ll never come between us again, I've made sure of that. See, you and I will forever be together in the afterlife. I could never take your life without taking my own to always be with you. This is going to be my final work of art.” Kissing my forehead again, he walked over to the corner of the room, where I now saw a camera located. “See, I know he’ll find us eventually, he's much too smart not to. But when he does, all he's going to find is our bodies and my last film showing him how I took from him what he tried to take from me. He's going to watch as I take your life and then my own. Doesn't that just sound so beautiful, Sloane? We will forever be bound together, and he’ll never be able to break us apart ever again. He’ll have to live with the fact thatIwon. But don't worry, baby,” he said, making his way back over to me and picking up a bloody knife I hadn't noticed beside me. “It won't hurt, I promise. You're just going to drift off to sleep.”
Panic started to race up my spine, and I couldn't hold the tears back from the fear I felt consuming me. “Please, Jared. Please don't do this. Let's just run away somewhere together. Why die when we can live? Live with me Jared. Live! Please!” I begged him on a sob.
Shaking his head, he set the knife down, and I started to think that I was getting through to him. I prayed that I did. “Archer will always search for you, Sloane. He willneverlet us live our lives in peace, and then there's the chance that he’ll try to turn you against me again, take you from me. I can’t have that.”
“No! I promise he...”
“No! You can't promise me that! You already broke your promise to me once! What makes you think I would ever trust in one of your promises again. No, this is the way it has to be if we want to be together forever. We have to go to a place he can’t follow us to.”
All that went through my mind was a constant prayer that somehow Archer found me before Jared could follow through with his insane plans.
Hope was all I had to grasp a hold of right now.
Turning to look at him, I watched him pick up a syringe and walk over to me. “Are you ready to fly with me one last time, Sloane? You're going to like this, it's going to make you feel so good and you won't even feel what I'm going to do to your body before it takes its last breath.”
Struggling against the restraints, I tried to move my arm away before he could stick the needle in it. But I knew I had failed when I felt the prick of the needle on my skin moments before my body began to feel as if it was floating over the rainbows that now colored the room around me. “They're beautiful,” I said, looking around at all the beautiful colors of light that had suddenly appeared, bringing me a euphoric feeling.
“Isn't it beautiful, baby?” Jared said, drawing my attention back to him as he removed the syringe from his own arm. “Everything is going to always be beautiful for us now, you’ll see.”
Though his words registered as troubling in my mind, my body felt nothing but happiness and peace. All the fear I had only moments ago had somehow just faded away. “I love you,” I said to no one in particular. Hearing him move around the room, I look to where he stood, and it was as if my vision skipped over the room, not really registering anything, until my eyes landed on the bloody knife in Jared's hand again. Leaning over me, he grabbed a hold of my right wrist. “I promise this won't hurt, baby. Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride we're going to take together.” I watched as he made a small slice on my wrist, then reached for the other one and I felt the same stinging sensation again before feeling as though the life was draining right out of me. I noticed my hands were wet, and when I looked down at them, I only saw the bright color of red all over them. Staring up at Jared, I noticed that his hands, too, now were brushed with the same bright color. “Shh, just rest now, baby,” he whispered, stroking my head as sleep began to overtake my body. “I'll always be with you, Sloane.” Feeling my wrists being released, I opened my eyes in time to see Jared join me on the cot and lay his body next to mine. Then there was nothing but silence and peace.