Page 21 of Waves
So, when Thom came into the house with me, I wasn’t too worried. I figured Ishmael’s barking would cease after a good sniff and a pat on the head, exactly like when he met Kai. I was wrong. Ishmael did not take kindly to seeing Thom in his house. When Thom attempted to pet him, Ishmael lunged and tried to take a chunk out of him. And that was how Ishmael wound up banished to the bathroom for the rest of the evening.
I set my mostly untouched glass down on the coffee table because I had enough wine for now. Mary was right. I didn’t really like red, but I knew Thom did.
Thom finished the last of his with a gulp and set the empty glass beside mine. He kept our conversation light and pleasant until this point. When he slid across the couch to be closer, he geared up for the final blow.
“We were so good together,” he whispered in my ear.
He was right; we were a great couple once. As much as I fought the idea, the heart wants what it wants, and right now, mine threatened to leap from my chest and swan-dive into bad decisions. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Thom at all. I loved him once, even enough to agree to marry him.
When his hand wrapped around my waist, I wanted to hate him so badly, but his touch still gave me goosebumps. My skin caught aflame beneath his hands, radiating heat across me until the cold lump in my chest sizzled, and my heart came alive. Even while wholly aware he caught me in his trap again, I couldn’t be bothered to care. It was true; I missed him. Dammit, did I ever miss him.
Thom’s lips brushed my neck while he murmured, “I’ve missed this so much.”
His words were a splash of cold water against naked flesh.
Maybe I hoped to see remorse tonight or to hear even a shred of regret among all his smooth words because I missed being in love with Thom. I didn’t miss the lies. I didn’t miss the long nights spent crying in an empty house. I didn’t miss obsessively scrolling through social media looking for any clues to what the hell he was doing, or who.
Why did I bother letting him get this close to me again? After all this time, one thing remained startlingly clear: I might miss the man I thought I knew, but Thom hadn’t changed at all. And I didn’t miss the man he actually was.
“Talking time is over,” I muttered while wiggling away from him.
“What?” Thom said with a small chuckle. He flashed all his teeth at me, but I wouldn’t be suckered so easily this time.
“You’ve got five minutes to get your shit and get out before I let my dog out of the bathroom. Whatever happens to you once that door opens is not my problem.”
Thom visibly recoiled. I’d never know if what I said or how I finally showed some backbone shocked him more. He stared at me for a moment before he smirked and rose from the couch. I watched him rip his jacket off the peg on the wall, and with a sharp slam of the door, he was gone. This time, for good.
* * *
The next morning, I felt even worse than I had all week. I couldn’t pin down what my issue was, only that I wished I weren’t alone, but I also didn’t want to be around anybody. I got up to let Ishmael out and fed him, then crawled right back into bed. Ishmael quietly whined while he burrowed back under the sheets with me. He could tell I was under the weather today.
Mary texted me later in the morning. Is it true Thom left with you????
Who told you that? I quickly typed back.
Not important! Pls confirm.
Nothing happened. He just wanted to talk.
Why are you still giving that asshole the time of day?
I’m not, Mar. And he left as soon as he realized that.
Yes. Really. I am so fucking done with him.
Mary replied with a sweating emoji. Bubbles appeared, then disappeared repeatedly while she settled on her message. I’m worried about you. You haven’t been yourself lately.
I’m fine.
Good. Then lunch today?
I don’t know...