Page 105 of Rule the Roost
“Sure thin’! Anyhow, Theo’s good, so’s Hud. We’re all gettin’ ready for the club this weekend.”
The club, me dancing…I was a bit worried. “I wish I had more time to practice.”
“Get nekid and dance fer yer man.”
I stared over at him even as the cold started to numb my cheeks. “Dance for Rick. That’s brilliant.”
“I ain’t dumb all the time,” he said casually.
“You’re not dumb at all, Joel. Stop that or I’ll get mad at you.”
“Huh? Well, sorry, Kan! Didn’t mean nothin’ by it.”
“I know, Joel, but you do that a lot. You listen to people who’ve said that because of your accent. I’ve seen what you read, Joel, and I’ve seen you helping Damon on the computer. You’re as far from dumb as anyone I’ve known.”
Joel stopped shoveling and stood leaning on the handle of the snow shovel. “Well, hells bells, Kan. That’s awful nice o’ ya.”
“I’m not saying it to be nice, Joel,” I told him, stopping my own progress. “You’re beautiful, you’re smart and you’re worthy. You have two men so in love with you, they can’t go a minute without bragging on you to whoever will listen. They show you off in the club all the time, puffed up from pride in you.”
“They’s good ol’ boys, that’s fer sure.”
I saw him tearing up, so I changed the subject. “Dance for Rick, huh?”
“Oh! Sure thin’. The way ya do it? He’ll be all o’er ya, givin’ it to ya after yer done.”
“Not that I need to resort to that. Rick is making up for lost time in the bedroom. For not ever having been with a man, he’s learned quickly.”
“I’ll jus’ bet,” Joel said with a wink. “Oh, shit fire an’ save the matches, I done forgot to ask y’all. We’s doin’ a big ta-do fer Thanksgivin’. We ain’t callin’ it that, though. Can’t ‘member fer the life o’ me what they callin’ it, but anyhoo, wanna come for it?”
“Thanksgiving, huh? I’ll have to ask Rick. I don’t know if he has a tradition to have it here or see family. I’ll ask and give you a call.”
“Call Damon. He’s the one all wound up over it. Wants us all together, like a fam’ly. I think it’s ‘cause he ain’t talkin’ to his kinfolk.”
He’d told me the story while I was living with them. Damon had left his family when they wouldn’t accept his sexuality. “I’m sorry about that. There’s not a lot of us with close family. My relatives are all in India, and we speak, but not as often as I should. You have your mom, and that’s about it. Rick’s parents died, but he’s got an uncle he’s close to.”
“Bring ‘im along! Got plenty o’ room. Havin’ it in the club.”
“The club? Joel, we can’t take the boys to the club.”
He started to giggle. “We ain’t having dongs layin’ ‘round! Hells bells, Kan. We got as much class as the next-un.”
I could see how it could be. “I’ll ask. Okay?”
“Sure thin’.”
Later, after we’d put Colby to bed after four long stories, Chandler was gone to meet with friends and I decided to try out what Joel had suggested. “Rick,” I began, as he was reading an article on his tablet.
“Yes, babe?”
The tablet was set aside so he could give me his full attention. I loved that he did that. “I need some more practice dancing, only I need an audience.”
“Where do I sign to volunteer to be said audience?”
“Your signature is permanently on the audience list,” I purred as I straddled his lap.
“Oh,” he whispered, his hands cupping my hips. “Well, do I throw tips or save those for later?”
“Later, of course.”