Page 71 of Rule the Roost
Chapter Nineteen
Idrovewiththephone on speaker as we laughed together my entire trip back to where I felt was home. It took too long, in my opinion, but when I finally went through those gates and made my way up the long driveway to the guest house, I ended the call as I saw Rick in front of the door.
Barely parking, I got out of the car and ran to him, and he caught me, holding me in his arms. “This is crazy,” I admitted.
“We’re all due a little crazy sometimes. Come on, before the boys see us.”
I peered over my shoulder to the big house, where the boys’ rooms were facing the guesthouse. “Right.”
After we got into the house, Rick flipped on the light and said, “I’m going to tell them, once we’re sure. I mean,I’msure…”
“I don’t hold that against you, Rick. You can’t tell them until we’re established and ready to tell them. This is going to be big for them,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist and whispered against his neck. “Chandler may think he’s ready, but it’s still going to be big.”
Rick kissed my hair. “You love them. I can see it when you play with Colby or joke around with Chandler. He’s come alive since you came here. Colby adores you.”
“I’m glad. I do love them.”
Rick’s husky whisper in my ear gave me chills. “Come to bed with me. I want to learn how to completely please my man.”
I nearly lost my mind as my hand was taken and he led me away from the entry, through the hall, and to the stairs where we ascended with him casting fiery glances over his shoulder.
I’d never wanted anyone more in my life, and could already taste him, feel him, long before he burst through my bedroom doors with a push and brought me to the bed.
I sat on the end of it, staring up at him, seeing his dominance and his vulnerability. The combination was the sexiest look I’d ever witnessed. “I want to do this right.”
“Let me help,” I whispered and brought him down to me, kissing him wetly, pulling him over me as I lay back on the bed. “I’ll do anything too, Rick. Anything.”
We kissed while we moved up on the bed, and I took off the T-shirt he’d changed into from the leather shirt he’d worn at the club. I pushed it up, tasting his chest, the fur tickling my chin as my mouth kissed, my tongue licking over his nipples, moving up to his throat and kissing there.
With his shirt gone, thrown carelessly to the floor, I started pulling on his sweats, moving them over his hips, and down his legs all while keeping my eyes keenly on his stiff cock. It was covered with a thin layer of cotton cloth that didn’t let me mistake its shape or size.
“Joel was sure right,” I teased again, and he started to laugh, dragging my head from his legs up to his face so he could kiss me hard.
“What are you talking about?”
“Joel has this thing he does. He’s…he looks at the crotches of certain men that are sexy, like you. Maybe he looks at all men, I don’t know. Anyway, he can tell when a man is well endowed.”
He fell back on the bed laughing. “That’s hilarious.”
“He told me you had abigun, that’s what he calls them. Big one, I’m assuming that means, in Joel-speak. He wasn’t wrong.”
Rick started to get my clothes off and he did as I had, tasting over my stomach and chest, even as his hand cupped over my dick. “You can let Joel know that you have abiguntoo.”
For never having a cock in his mouth, when he freed mine from my underwear and started to lick it, kissing over the crown, sucking it slowly into his mouth, Rick was a god among men. His enthusiasm for the act showed like he was taking off some training wheels and was free to ride at long last.
I gripped the comforter in my hands, my toes curled almost painfully. I writhed as he tried to hold me down, but I couldn’t help it. Being a novice, I couldn’t imagine what it might feel like once he had some practice.
“You are making this very difficult for me.”
I laughed and apologized. “You’re very good at that.”
“Hopefully, I’m good at everything.”
“I have no doubt about that.”
We scrambled to get ourselves and the other undressed, and when I first saw Rick naked, my mouth filled with saliva, and I simply stared.