Page 72 of Rule the Roost
Rick was more beautiful than I’d ever imagined, or it was possible I was just that in love with the man. Still, he was perfect. Light fur on his hard chest, tapered waist, narrow hips, and the perfect cock. It was long, at least nine inches, thick and meaty, with very little pubic hair to get in the way of a good sucking.
His balls hung heavily, and as he moved to my side, sucking my neck, I let my eyes linger over him. “Rick, you’re hot.”
“Me?” Pushing me to the bed, Rick stared over me, and I let him. Rick did more than look at me, of course, running feather touches over me, then wrapping up my cock in his fist. “You’re magnificent, Kanan. Your body is…all man. I didn’t know how much I’d be attracted to…” He ran a soft hand over my chest. “I love this. How is it possible, so late in life?”
“I don’t know. I’ve known bisexual men, and they’ve discovered it at different times in their lives. I think the older they are, the longer it takes.”
“Makes sense,” he purred as he moved to my mouth and took it over into a rough kiss. “Or it might just be you. You’ve brought something out in me that I never saw coming.”
He did his best to stretch me with fingers slathered in lube, but we were both too impatient for him to stretch me long. Pushing into me, he laughed in our kiss. “Not as easy as…well, you know.”
“A vagina? I’m sure it’s not. Didn’t you ever…do anal with a woman?”
“Let’s discuss that later,” he said, then bit my bottom lip and thrust his hips at once. I clenched hard at the sudden intrusion, but he simply chuckled and kissed away my whimpers of pain. Rick continued into me slowly but didn’t stop until he was buried deep in me, my voice being cut off by his mouth, devouring mine.
“God, you feel good,” he growled into my ear as he started to fuck me, begging, “Wrap around me, hold me close, I need to feel all of you, Kanan.”
“Yeah, all of me, feel all of me,” I grunted, wrapping my arms and legs around him, kissing him then moaning from the way Rick’s dick pushed into me.
Feeling like I’d come home from a long journey, that’s how Rick making love with me felt. From the moment I’d seen him in the diner to that moment, my life felt like it had turned an important corner. I’d been lost for so long, even in the middle of another relationship.
Rick found me.
The thing was, however, I felt as if I’d found him, too.
His eyes were wide, like he hadn’t expected the sex to be as good as it was, but he smiled before each gruff grunt, each heavy sigh of air. He was moving like he was the dancer, inside him, filling me, holding me like he’d never let go.
Maybe that was what I needed most. I needed a man that wouldn’t let go, no matter what. He was a man that wanted me, that had spent time with me every single day and only wanted me more. My soul felt at peace, even as my body was in the grips of a sexual experience unlike any other.
I was his first. No, he was no virgin to sex, but he was to sex with a man, and he’d chosen me to be first. I felt honored in that, and it made me feel his love for me. I couldn’t ask for more.
Our mouths open and together, each breathing raggedly, his eyes, the gold in them shining, my hair clutched in his fist, hips moving faster, the passion in the room rose. I felt the wordless noises coming from us, his deeper and harsh, mine in long waves, the light in the room distorted. Everything was distorted to be brighter, and I felt him in all of me, not just my ass. I felt him deep in my chest, in the muscles of my arms, in my ankles, my throat, and the bones of my hands. He was inside my being, loving me. I didn’t doubt it, no matter how much my past hurt. I knew that for the first time, maybe in my life, a man truly loved me.
Of course, all of it could have been the amazing experience of that night. The entire night was the best of my life, and the sex was the cherry on the top. I came a few strokes before him, and he watched my face like it fascinated him.
Later, after we’d caught our collective breaths and he pulled me to lay close to him, I asked him about it.
After nervous laughter struck him, Rick admitted, “I didn’t know how it would be, with a guy. It’s better than I imagined.”
“You thought it would be bad?”
“No! Kan, no, never, especially imagining it with you. It was just…better than my fantasies and isn’t that strange? Usually, we dream about sex, and we puff it up, either for ourselves, or our partner to be so much better than it is. I don’t know, I had always done that.”
“I understand. It wasn’t just because it was your first time, either. I’d rate that fuck up there with the best that this planet has seen.”
“Shut up,” he begged, hiding his face in my hair. “Don’t puff up my ego.”
“Why not?”
We made love again before dawn broke, and then were determined to act like the day was just another day. He showered with me, and it was a long, slow shower, but then Rick left the house after kissing me goodbye three times.
“Come soon. We can say we’re going for a run, and then make out instead.”
“That’s a date. I’ll be there after the kids wake up and eat breakfast. At least Colby.”
“Chandler’s up early today. He’s got an appointment with the dentist and won’t let me go with him.”
I saw the hurt that gave Rick, but I also saw that he understood. His son was trying to be independent, to be an adult.