Page 10 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 10 of Wicked and Wild

Samfelt a ticklish sensation, almost as though someone was blowing in her ear.Ashiver of something that could only be described as pure lust rushed through her, but she managed to keep her face straight when she answered.

“Good.BecauseI’mgoing to set my equipment to record everything that happens all night.We’llsee if the spirits ofCarolineandBeaumake themselves known…and exactlyhowthey do it.”

“Yes,”whispered a voice in her ear.“Yes, please—stay.Stayand let us use you.”

Samfelt another shiver of lust run down her spine.Wasthat the spirit ofCarolineAbernathymurmuring in her ear?

Ifso, it seemed like they might be in for a wild night…



R’orncouldn’t believe he’d agreed to do this.Afterthe crazy fucking incident where he’d somehow lost control of himself and bittenSamanthaon the neck, he would have expected her to kick him out and demand a differentProtector.Instead, she had challenged him to stay with her—to sleep in the same bed, even—to see if the spirits would use them!

Whichwas complete bullshit, of course—no spirit was going to use him because there was no such thing as spirits and ghosts,R’orntold himself firmly.

Ifthat’s true, then who are the people you’ve been seeing in that damn spirit mirror?a little voice whispered in his head.Andwhy did you suddenly feel so possessive ofSamantha—why did you mark her neck?

Hetried to push the question away.Maybeit was hisBeastthat had caused him to act like that.Butthough it had stirred when he bit her, the creature that lived inside him hadn’t wakened.Sothat seemed unlikely.Still, he needed to be careful because if he went too far withSamantha, then hisBeastsurelywouldwake and become extremely demanding and possessive.He—

“Allright—I’mready for bed.NowIjust have to set up my equipment.”

R’ornlooked up and had to bite back a curse.

Samanthawas wearing a long, silky white gown with a lace top that was stretched tight over her full breasts.Heswore he could even see the pink points of her nipples poking through the lace!Shealso had on a white silk and lace robe that matched the gown, but it was open, clearly showing her full, curvy body.

R’orntried not to stare but he couldn’t quite help it.Thegown clung to her wide, curvy hips and thick thighs in a way that made his mouth water.Goddess, why did she have to be such a tempting littleElite?

“Likewhat you see?”Samanthaasked dryly and he realized he was looking at her the way a canine might look at a juicy bone.

“Er…are you going to be warm enough in that?”Hecleared his throat. “Youheard what theInnkeepersaid—it gets cold here at night.”

“Well, between the fire and you in bed beside me,IthinkI’llbe all right.”Samanthawinked at him. “Thebathroom is free now—you can go get changed into your night clothes,” she added carelessly.

“Oh,I…”R’ornthought about claiming that he had no night clothes and that he intended to sleep in his regular clothing all night.Butshe had clearly seen him bring his carry-all cube with him, so she would know this was a lie.Orshe might just tell him to go get his clothes out of his shuttle, and then he would have to leave her alone and unprotected.

Reluctantly, he decided he had no choice but to change.Risingfrom the bed, he grabbed the small, square carry-all cube and took it into the fresher.Hetook off his uniform trousers and boots and the black, sleeveless vest he usually wore instead of a uniform shirt.Hewas a free agent who happened to work as aProtector, so he didn’t have to be in uniform all the time, as otherKindredwarriors were.

Heusually slept in just a pair of long black sleep trousers, but he was reluctant to go out with a bare chest and back.Thatwas because the tribal markings of hisWolvenClanwould show, andSamanthamight have questions about them—questions he would rather not answer.Butafter searching for a few moments, he realized he hadn’t brought a sleep shirt.Sothere was nothing for it but to go back to the “haunted” bedroom with nothing but his long black trousers on.

Samanthawas busy setting up various pieces of equipment around the bed—including her phone, which was mounted on a motion-activated swivel stand which would twist and turn to catch any movement.Butwhen she looked up atR’orn, she sucked in a breath and her hands dropped to her sides.

“Oh, uh…” she began and then seemed to forget what she was going to say.

“I’mready for bed if you are,”R’orngrowled, frowning fiercely at her—daring her to say anything about the dark, swirling tattoos that covered his chest and back.

Shestudied them for a long moment but only said,

“Ididn’t know you had ink.”

“They’remyClanmarkings,”R’ornsaid shortly. “Theytell what kind ofWulvenIam.”

“Andwhat kind are you?”Shefinished setting up the phone and came to stand in front of him.Theywere between the fire and the bed and the firelight shone through her flimsy white gown, making it nearly see-through.R’orntried not to look but he found it was almost impossible.

“I’maCursedWulven,” he said at last, his mouth dry.

“Cursed?Cursedhow?” she asked, arching an eyebrow at him.

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