Page 11 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 11 of Wicked and Wild

“Cursedbecause my kind ofWulvenKindredhas aBeastthat is more…Iguess you could say morebeastly,”R’orntried to explain. “WithotherWulvenKindred, theirBeastlooks like the male who carries it—maybe just a little harrier and with glowing eyes.ButmyBeast, well…it looks more like an animal.Likewhat you humans call a ‘wolfman’ with fur all over and a wolf’s face and tail.OrIassume it would—I’venever let him out before.Ever.”

Whywas he telling her this?Hedidn’t know—it almost felt like some outside force had taken control of his mouth and was causing him to spill all his secrets—to reveal all the things that kept him from ever taking a mate.Forno female would want to deal with the creature he kept inside him—she wouldn’t be able to tame it unless she allowed theBeastto take her—unless she submitted to his animalistic lust.

Andno female in the world—in the galaxy or the universe—wanted to submit to the frightening creature that lived inside him.R’ornwas certain of that.

“IsyourBeastscary?Isthat why you can’t let him out?”

Samanthatook a step closer to him and reached up to trace the curving black ink on his bare chest.Herlight touch seemed to set a fire inside him.

“Don’t.”R’orncaught her hand with his own to stop her, but then he didn’t want to let her go.Theywere standing so close he could look down into her deep blue eyes and see the firelight shining in them.Shehad taken off the pale makeup she usually wore and he thought she looked even more lovely without it.

“Whynot?Areyou afraidI’llwake up yourBeast?Makehim come out?”Shewas taunting him now, looking up at him with a slight smile on her luscious lips—lips he suddenly wanted badly to kiss.

“Hecan’t come out unless it’s a full moon,”R’ornsaid hoarsely. “Butif you wake him, he’ll become very…demanding.”

“Oh?Andwhat might he demand?” she asked, still smiling.

Fromthe corner of his eye,R’ornsaw a flicker in the silver mirror.Wasthere someone else there with them?Someonemaking him want to do things he knew he shouldn’t?Hetried to push the thought away.Butat the same time, he felt it again—those ghostly fingers on his shoulder, urging him on.

“Hemight demand thatIsuck your ripe nipples,” he growled softly, letting go of her hand and cupping one full breast instead.

Samanthagave a little gasp but didn’t pull away as he gently thumbed her nipple, which had gone tight.

“He…he might?”Herbreath came out low and breathless and her pupils had dilated, making her eyes drowning deep.

“Fuckyes, he might, sweetheart,”R’orngrowled.Hereleased her breast but immediately tugged at the sleeves of her robe, which slithered off her shoulders and fell in a heap at her feet.Hewatched as his hands reached up again and plucked at the thin straps holding her white silk and lace nightgown in place.Itwas like watching someone else as they pulled the straps down, causing the top of the gown to slip until her full breasts were revealed in the firelight.

“What…what are you doing?”Samanthahalf moaned, but she didn’t try to stop him when he cupped her bare breasts again and began tugging lightly at her nipples.

“WhatmyBeastdemands,”R’ornsaid, but again it was as though someone else was speaking through him.

Shewas too short and he was too tall for him to reach her comfortably with his mouth.R’ornlifted her by the waist and set her on the end of the bed, making her gasp.Thenhe knelt before her and pressed his face between her breasts.Gods, her skin was so soft and she smelled sogood—a warm, feminine scent that made his cock ache when he inhaled it.

“Ohhhh,”Samanthamoaned as he sucked one tight nipple into his mouth and began teasing it with his tongue. “Oh,R’orn—we probably shouldn’t…shouldn’t do this!”

Helet her nipple slip from his mouth for a moment.

“Fuck, yes we should, sweetheart,” he growled. “Nowbe a good girl and give me your other nipple to suck—Iwant to make your pussy wet.”

Moaning, she thrust her breasts out, offering them to him as he had demanded.R’orncupped them in his hands and sucked the other nipple, drawing it deep into his mouth to suck hard and long until she gasped and tugged at his hair.

“OhGod…Oh,R’orn!” he heard her crying softly.Hiscock surged again—he loved the sound of his name on her lips!Andhe loved the feeling of her soft little fingers carding through his hair as he sucked and nipped lightly at her tight peak.Shewas getting wet—he was sure she must be.Hecould smell the sweet scent of her desire drifting up from between her thighs like an exotic perfume.

Herscent…her soft moans…the feeling of her fingers in his hair…they all called to theBeastdeep inside him.R’orncould feel it stirring, could feel the possessive feelings of hunger and lust beginning to surface.Thiswas dangerous, he realized through the fog of desire that had clouded his brain.Whathe was doing could very easily wake hisBeastand then—

SuddenlySamantha’sphone rang.Thesound was shrill and insistent—a high, tinny melody that grated onR’orn’snerves and seemed to break the strange trance he’d fallen into.

Itseemed to do the same toSamantha.Shegave a little cry and pushed him away, pulling up the top of her nightgown at the same time.

Jumpingoff the bed, she pushed past him and went to grab the phone…but it went dead in her hand the minute she took it off its stand.

“Whatin the world?”R’ornheard her muttering to herself. “IthoughtIleft it on silent!”

Herose as she continued to do something to the phone and heard her mutter, “Well,Icertainly can’t usethatfootage.”

Lookingover her shoulder wasn’t difficult because she was so short.Onthe screen of her phone,R’ornsaw himself kneeling before her and sucking her tight nipples as she cried softly and gave him her full breasts freely.Inside, he could feel hisBeaststirring again, growling with desire as he watched the erotic scene.

Samanthaseemed to realize he was behind her because she whirled around and looked up at him.

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