Page 12 of Wicked and Wild
“Hey!Whatare you doing?”
“Idon’t know,”R’ornsaid honestly, shaking his head. “I…Ididn’t mean to do that.”Hepointed at her phone. “Idon’t know whyIdid.Itwas like…someone else was controlling me.”
Shefrowned and put a hand on her full hip.
“Oh, so now you’re saying theghostmade you do it?Andyou never would have otherwise becauseI’mnot your type?”
“You’reexactlymy type—you’re anEliteand you’re fucking gorgeous,”R’orngrowled. “AndIdon’t know if anything or anyonemademe suck your nipples—Ionly knowIdidn’t mean to do it.AndIcan’tdo it again.”
Sheraised an eyebrow at him.
“Can’tor won’t?”
“Can’t,”R’ornsaid emphatically. “Youdon’t understand, sweetheart—this isreallygetting myBeastriled up.It’smaking him…hungry.”
Hereyes went wide.
“Hungry?He’snot a…not a cannibal or anything, is he?”
“Notthat kind of hungry.”R’ornraked a hand through his hair. “Nevermind.Look—Ireally think we should leave this room.”
“Youpromisedto stay with me!”Samanthacrossed her arms over her breasts and got a stubborn look on her pretty face.
“Yeah, but—”
“Yousaidthere was nothing in here—you said you weren’t afraid to stay.”
“I’mnotafraid for myself!”R’orngrowled impatiently. “I’mafraid foryou,sweetheart!It’snot good to get myBeastriled up like this!”
“Thenlet’s just go to bed.Look,I’mstarting my phone again.Ineed to be here in case something paranormal happens in the middle of the night.”Samanthawas putting the phone back on its motion-activated stand as she spoke.
“Goto bed?That’syour fucking solution?”R’orndemanded, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously.Wecan just go to sleep.Andwe’ll pretend that this…” she waved a hand vaguely, “never happened.Unlessmy big, strongProtectoris going to leave me all alone in a haunted room by myself?” she added, raising an eyebrow tauntingly.
R’ornfelt a frustrated growl rise to his lips.Shedidn’t know how close hisBeastwas coming to the surface!Ifit got too close, it was going to demand that he do things to her—things she hadn’t agreed to and might regret!
Butmaybe if he kept his back to her and closed his eyes and breathed deeply, he could calm the creature inside him.Hedidn’t like leaving her alone—not considering the threats she’d been getting.
“Fine,” he said at last, glaring down at her. “Butwe’re sleeping back-to-back.”
“Finewith me.”Samanthashrugged, which caused her full breasts to shift under the thin nightdress.Hertight nipples were little points under the silky material andR’orncould still taste her—salty and sweet—on his lips.Gods, he wished he could taste her pussy too!Thatwas what theBeastinside him hungered for—the feeling of her thick thighs wrapped around his head and the taste of her honey as she came just for him…
Samantahturned away, completely oblivious to his lustful thoughts. and went to get into the bed.Asshe slid between the sheets,R’ornfelt theBeastin him growling with need.Itwas almost fully awake now and it wanted him to take her—toClaimher and knot her andBondher to him to make her his forever.
“No!”he thought at it.“Wecan’t—Ican’t.Shedoesn’t even like me and she sure as theSevenHellscouldn’t deal with you!Shutup and go back to sleep!”
ButtheBeastdidn’t show any signs of doing that.AsR’ornslid into bed beside the curvy littleEliteand deliberately turned his back to her, he thought that it was likely to be a very,verylong night.
Samsettled down on her side with her back to herProtector, but she wasn’t a bit sleepy.Herwhole body was humming with desire.Shecould still feelR’orn’shot mouth on her nipples—which were tingling and swollen because he’d sucked them so hard.
Shouldn’tbe doing this!she lectured herself sternly.Idon’t even like him—he’s a big jerk!
Butthe truth was, she didn’t dislike the bigKindredquiteas much as she had.Hehad seemed almost vulnerable when he had explained about hisBeast—Samwanted to hear more about it, but she didn’t know if he would talk to her or not.