Page 13 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 13 of Wicked and Wild

You’dbetter leave him alone,she told herself.Didn’the say hisBeastwas dangerous?Thatit washungry?

Yes, but that only made hermoreintrigued.Still, she knew she ought to settle down.Sometimesspirits waited until everything was quiet to manifest themselves.Soshe sighed and tried to get comfortable on the rather lumpy mattress.

Butthat was easier said than done because the next moment, an icy wind swirled around her, making her shiver and curl in on herself.Unfortunately, the gown she had on wasn’t very warm—because she lived inFlorida, she had almost no cold weather clothes.Thethin, silky material didn’t do a thing to keep her cozy.

Samburrowed under the covers but it did no good—the wind somehow came with her, swirling around her body until she felt like she wasfreezingto death.Wasit the manifestation of a spirit…or was the big old inn just extremely drafty?Eitherway, she was in real danger of turning into an ice cube!

Buttherewasa source of heat—she could feelR’orn’sbig body radiating warmth like a furnace just behind her.Feelingdesperate, she turned over on her other side and pressed herself against him.

ThebigKindredstiffened immediately.

“Hey—what are you doing?” he demanded, his voice coming out in a hoarse growl.

“I’mfreezing!”Samcomplained. “I’mnot trying to molest you or anything—Ijust need to warm up.”

Shepressed her face against his broad back and tucked her knees against the backs of his legs.

“Isthat your nose?Goddess, it’s like a fucking ice cube!” he complained, but didn’t try to move away from her.

“Justgive me a minute to get warm,”Sammurmured. “ThenI’llgo back to my side of the bed—Ipromise.”

R’ornsighed deeply.

“Well…all right.Butonly for a minute.”

“Uh-huh…”Samslipped an arm around his narrow waist and pressed more firmly against him.Shewas surprised at how good he smelled and how soft his skin was, despite all the rock-hard muscle she could feel just underneath it.Hehad a warm, spicy, somehow indefinably masculine scent that made her think of fur and smoke and the forest at night and some dark spice she couldn’t name but which drew her to him like a magnet.

“Areyou warm yet?” he asked, after a moment andSamcould feel the tension in his big body.

“Notnearly.”Shesnuggled even closer.Mmm—hugging the bigKindredwas like hugging a warm, muscular teddy bear, she decided.Thiswas nice—comforting and sensual at the same time.Sherubbed her cheek against his broad back and inhaled deeply, breathing in his spicy, masculine scent.Someoneought to bottle the way he smelled and sell it—they would make a million dollars overnight, she thought.

“Samantha, what the fuck are you doing back there?”R’orngrowled.

“Cuddlingyou.Warmingup.”Shepressed even closer. “Mmm…Ilike the way you feel.Likethe way yousmelleven more.”

R’orntwisted his head to the side, trying to get a look at her.

“Whatthe fuck, sweetheart?” he demanded. “Didn’tItell you it was dangerous for us to be too close because of myBeast?”

“Tellme about yourBeast, then,”Samchallenged him. “Yousaid he was ‘hungry.’Hungryforwhat, exactly?”

“Whatdo you think?”Hesounded irritated but he still made no move to get away from her.

“Mmm…Idon’t knowwhatto think unless you tell me.”Samrubbed her breasts against his back—his warmth felt good against her tight nipples.

“Gods, sweetheart—Ican feel you rubbing against me!”Hisvoice came out as half growl/half groan.

“Justtell me about yourBeast—what is he hungry for?”Samprompted again.Whatwas it about his scent that made her feel so hot and bothered?Shedidn’t know but she found that she liked it a lot.

R’ornsighed deeply, but at last he answered her question.

“There’ssomething not a lot of people know aboutWulvens.Weneedto taste our females—even more than regularKindreddo,” he said in a low voice. “That’sbecause of theBeastinside us—it feeds on our female’s pleasure.”

“Wait—are you telling me that youneedto go down on a woman in order to keep yourBeasthappy?”Samwasn’t sure she’d heard him right.

“Wedo—we fuckinghungerfor it.Justas theBeastinside does,” he growled.Abruptly, he turned over and cupped her cheek.Samcould see his golden eyes were glowing softly in the dim room. “I’mhungry for you right now,Samantha.You’redriving me fuckingcrazy!”

“Whatjust…just by cuddling you a little?” she asked, looking up at him.

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