Page 17 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 17 of Wicked and Wild

Shewondered if the ghosts that inhabited this room had anything to do with his behavior and if so, whether he would admit it.Ifhe could just stop it with the “I’msuch a skeptic” act, maybe they could have something together.Afterall, she could get used to being devoured like that.R’ornhad been giving her multiple orgasms there at the end, and she hadn’t even known she was capable of having those!

Shehummed as she got dressed and packed up her equipment.Asshe passed the spirit mirror for the last time, she thought she saw something there.Turningher head, she saw the face of a pale, blonde girl with light blue eyes looking back at her.

“Oh—hello!”Samsmiled at her.Shewas used to seeing spirits, so seeing a disembodied head floating in the mirror beside her own didn’t bother her at all. “Youmust beCarolineAbernathy,” she said to the spirit.

Theblonde girl nodded and smiled shyly.

“We, uh, certainly had fun in your room last night,”Samtold her, grinning. “Didyou andBeauhave anything to do with that?”

Thegirl winked and gave her a naughty little grin.

Samlaughed at the cheeky smile.

“Well,Ihave to thank you, then.Icouldn’t stand the guyIwas with last night until you two got involved.Now,IthinkImight be halfway in love with him!”

Justsaying the words out loud made her realize they were true.Damnit—she tried not to be one of those women who couldn’t give her body without also giving her heart, but it was hard.EspeciallywhenR’ornhad just given her what was hands-down the best sexual experience of her life—and they hadn’t even had actual sex!

Thatmade her wonder what sex would be like with her bigProtector.Shecouldn’t help imagining being pinned under that big body…or maybe sitting on his lap and sinking down onto the thick cock she’d seen outlined under the material of his sleep trousers the night before.Howwould it feel to take all that inside her?Shehad some pretty big toys but none that compared to whatR’ornappeared to be packing…

Samfelt her cheeks getting hot and her pussy getting wet all over again.Damn—anyone would think she would be all worn out after last night, but apparently she was ready to go again!Maybeshe could getR’ornto give her a tour of his ship and she could see if there really was a living area with a bed in the back of it.

“Well,I’dbetter get going,” she told the girl in the mirror. “Thankyou for a wonderful night.”

CarolineAbernathysmiled at her and then faded from sight.Shewas the kind of spiritSamliked best—a friendly, helpful one who just wanted to interact with the living world without hurting anyone.Notall spirits were so nice.

Humminghappily to herself,Samgathered her things and left the room.Shepractically skipped downstairs, keeping an eye out for herKindredProtector.Wouldhe be in the main dining area, having breakfast with the other guests?Samhoped not—she wanted to speak to him privately.Shewas sure if they started talking about last night, she would blush so hard even her paleGothmakeup wouldn’t be able to hide it!

Shefound him at last, sitting on the front porch at a small table.Theearly morning light was shining through the colorful leaves and the air was crisp and fresh—it was a gorgeousFallmorning.Therewas a plump blueberry scone and a cup of steaming coffee in front ofR’orn.Butdespite the beautiful day and the yummy breakfast, the look on his face wasnothappy.

Uh-oh…SomeofSam’sgood mood leaked away, but she took the chair across from him anyway.Hewas probably upset, thinking he’d been used by the spirits last night.Butthe thing was, except in cases of complete possession, a spirit couldn’tmakeyou do things you didn’t alreadywantto do.

Whathad happened between them in the room with the spirits ofCharlotteandBeauwasn’t on theAmityvilleHorrorlevel—it was more like two friendly ghosts giving them a little nudge to do what theywantedto do in the first place.Shejust hoped she could explain that to him.

“Goodmorning,” she said, trying to keep things casual. “Howdid you sleep?”

“Ididn’t,”R’orngrowled.Hehad been staring into his coffee but now he looked up at her. “Ican no longer be yourProtector,Samantha.”

“What?”Samlooked at him, taken completely by surprise. “Isthis because of last night?Imean, did we break the rules?You’renot allowed to uh, sleep with a woman you’re protecting?” she asked. “Imean, not that we actually slept together but…”

Heshook his head.

“Thereis no such rule.Protectorsand their charges often end up together.”

Samfelt bewildered.

“Wellthen, why?Didyou not, uh, enjoy yourself last night?Becauseyou certainlyseemedto,” she added pointedly.

R’orngave her a searing look from his molten gold eyes.

“OfcourseIenjoyed it.Lastnight was the best fucking night of my life!Whichis whyIhave to leave andIcan never see you again.”

“What?”Samshook her head. “NowI’mreallyconfused.Noneof what you just said makes sense.Ifyou enjoyed what we did, why are you leaving?”

“BecauseI’mnot theonlyone who enjoyed it,”R’orngrowled. “MyBeastdid too.Infact, he’s marked you as ourFatedMate—the one female in all the universe theGoddesshas set aside just for us.”

“Ithought you didn’t believe in theGoddess!”Samexclaimed.

“Idon’t,” he said shortly. “Butthere’s no denying aFatedMate.”

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