Page 18 of Wicked and Wild
“Well, ifI’msupposed to be your ‘FatedMate’—”Sambegan.
“Didyou not hear whatIsaid?MyBeasthasmarkedyou!”R’orn’svoice was a low, frustrated growl. “Hewants toClaimyou—ifI’mbeing honest, he’s wanted you from the first minuteImet you.”
Hiswords sounded like an admission—almost a confession,Samthought.
“Hehas?” she asked, still not sure what to think.
“Yes, he fucking has!”R’ornraked a hand through his thick, brown hair. “Thevery first timeImet you—whenItook your hands to offer you myOathofProtection—he woke inside me and said the first word he’d ever spoken to me.Hesaid ‘MINE.’”
Samfelt a shiver run through her.Tothink that the wild and ravenous creature that lived insideR’ornwanted her—and had been wanting her all this time!Itwas strangely intriguing.
“So…he wanted me right from the start?” she asked.
“Whydo you thinkI’vebeen acting like such an asshole?Tryingto push you away?Iknew it would mean trouble if we got too close.”
Samglared at him.
“Wait…what?Soyoudobelieve in spirits after all?Andyou were just trying to wind me up?”
“Afterlast night,Idon’t knowwhatIbelieve,”R’ornsaid sincerely. “ButIdoknow that we went too far.MyBeastwants you now—and he’ll do anything to have you.SoIhave to stay away from you for your own safety,Samantha.I’mfucking sorry.”
Samwas beginning to get angry now.
“Well, if that isn’t the most convenient after-sex brush offI’veever heard.”Shedeepened her voice, mocking his low tones. “Sorry, sweetheart—I’dlove to be with you, but the huge, hairy monster that lives inside me will be after you ifIdon’t go, soIcan never see you again.”
“Stopit!”R’orn’seyes were glowing so brightly that she could see their light, even though they were sitting out on the porch in broad daylight. “It’snota fucking excuse!” he growled. “It’sthe truth!Andmy beastishuge—imagine a monster, almost three meters tall, covered with hair and with the face of an animal—a wolf!”
“What—ninefeet tall?”Samdemanded.R’ornwas already so much bigger than her, she had to crane her neck to look up at him.Shecouldn’t imagine him being even taller!
“That’smy best guess—he might be even taller,”R’ornsaid grimly. “Nowimagine that creature running you to ground and savaging you.Pinningyou down and knotting you!Forcingyou to submit while he fucks you for hours.Isthatwhat you want?”
Samfelt herself go breathless.Thepicture he painted was a vivid one—both frightening and intriguing at the same time.Shesqueezed her thighs together tightly and felt a little spark of sensation from her oversensitive clit.
“Look,” she said at last. “I’ma ghost hunter—I’mnot easily frightened.”
“Youshouldbe,”R’ornsnapped. “IknowI’mfucking frightened—frightened of myBeasthurting you.Rapingyou—possibly even killing you, if you refused to submit to him.He’sa fuckinganimal,Samantha.Allhe knows is lust and hunger—breeding and knotting.”
“Knotting?”Samwhispered.Shewas still trying to take all this in. “What—”
“Mykind ofKindredhas aBreedingKnotat the base of our shafts,” he explained shortly. “Itswells inside a female’s pussy to hold her in place for a long, thorough breeding.Sometimesit takeshoursto complete.”
“Oh!”Samsqueezed her thighs together even more tightly and felt another little spark of pleasurable sensation from her clit. “Butsurely yourBeastcan’t bethatbad,” she protested. “Imean, if he can talk, thenIshould be able to reason with him—right?”
“Histhoughts and his words are very primitive.Andno, you can’t reason with him.Allyou could do if you had the misfortune to meet him would be to run.Andif he caught you, your only chance of survival would be to submit—to let him breed you and knot you,”R’ornsaid harshly.Heleaned across the table and tookSam’shands in his own. “ButIdon’twantthat for you, baby,” he said earnestly. “Idon’t want you to be hurt andI’dratherdiethan know thatIwas the one who hurt you!That’swhyIhaveto go.”
“But…but…”Sam’seyes were suddenly stinging.Hewas serious, she realized—he really was going to leave her and not even look back. “ButI’mjust getting to know you—therealyou,” she got out at last. “AndIlike you a lot more thanIthoughtIdid!”
“Ilike you too, sweetheart.”R’orn’sgolden eyes were suspiciously bright. “Hell—IthinkI’mfalling inlovewith you.”Hewithdrew his hands. “ButIcan’t let that happen—to either one of us.Ihave to go now, before it’s too late.”
Herose from the table, leaving the untouched coffee and scone.
“Wait!”Samrose too, reaching out to him. “Don’tdo this,R’orn!I’msure we can find a way around yourBeast!Can’twe just avoid each other onFullMoonnights or something?”
Heshook his head.
“Notnow that he’s awake and he’s tasted your pleasure.He’llalways be wanting more—wanting to come out andClaimyou.Andnow that he’s active, he’ll be able to come out even if itisn’tduring the full moon.He’dbe coming out right now if he wasn’t so sated from how many times you came last night whileItasted you.”