Page 2 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 2 of Wicked and Wild

“AndI’mguessing you’re one of the few?” he asked raising one eyebrow skeptically.

“Yes, as a matter of fact,”Samsaid frostily. “Ihave a small talent.MyGiftis nowhere near as strong as my aunt’s or my sister’s, butI’mwhat you call a ‘Sensitive.’Andyes,Imake my living from it—the same way you make your living by being a big, strong, scary-looking guy.”

“Hey, being big and strong isnothowImake my living,” he protested, frowning. “I’maProtector—Ikeep females safe.”

“Safefrom danger or safe from your stupidity?”Sammuttered to herself.

Hisface darkened.

“Ican hear you, you know, sweetheart.Kindredhave much sharper senses than you humans—which is one reasonIdon’t believe in the bullshit you’re selling.I’venever seen or heard or smelledanythingin my life to prove paranormal or supernatural beings exist.”

“You—youexist!”Samexclaimed in frustration, pointing at him. “You’reaWulvenKindred—doesn’t that mean you can turn into a beast or a wolf or something like that?”

Hefrowned uncomfortably.

“It’strueIhave aBeastinside me—but he never comes out.Believeme, sweetheart, you wouldn’t want him to.”

“Actually,Iwould—he might be better company than you are,”Samsaid tartly. “Nowlook—Idon’t care how skeptical you are,I’mgoing to be filming this andIneed you tonotblurt out your uninformed opinions whileI’mworking.Okay?”

R’ornraised both hands in a “don’t shoot” gesture.

“Hey—this is your world.I’mjust here to protect you while you do…whatever it is you do.”Hefrowned. “Andspeaking of that, are you aware that a human called ‘Slasher69’ has been leaving a lot of threatening comments on your social media?Hehas some seriously deranged ideas.That’sthe kind of thing you need to be worried about—not ‘scary ghosts and ghouls’.”

Samwas surprised.

“You’vebeen watching my show?”

Shewent by the name “GhostGirlie” on social media and had her ownYouTubechannel devoted to her ghost hunting exploits.Itwas a use of her talents that didn’t involve dealing with individual clients for hours on end like her aunt did when she read the cards for people.Italso beat the hell out of being a bank teller, which was whatSamhad been doing before her channel took off.

“Yes,I’vebeen watching your show,”R’orngrowled. “Partsof it, anyway.Itmostly seems to consist of you walking around abandoned domiciles, jumping at shadows, and talking to dead humans who aren’t there.”

Samshot him another glare.

“Youthink they aren’t there becauseyoucan’t see them.ButIassure you—none of whatIdo is a trick or a gimmick.Ican see the peopleI’mtalking to, even ifyoucan’t.”

“Soyoureallythink you’re talking to spirits?”R’ornshook his head. “Ithought humans had medication for disorders like that.”

“Allright—that’s it.”Samstalked over to him, her feet crunching in the drifts of dead leaves on the ground, and poked him in his broad, muscular chest. “I’vehad just aboutenoughof your sarcasm and rudeness!” she told him. “Soyou can just fly right back up to theMotherShipnow—Idon’t need you!”

R’orncrossed his arms over his broad chest, his biceps bulging with the move.

“I’mnot going anywhere, sweetheart,” he rumbled. “Becauseyoudoneed me.Haveyou read any of those fucking remarks thatSlasher69asshole has been leaving for you under your little vids?”

“Those‘little vids’ pay enough for me to travel the country doing whatIlove!”Samsnapped. “Notmany people can say that.Iwork hard andI’mproudof whatIdo!”

“I’mnot talking about what you do—I’mtalking about who’s watching you do it!”R’orngrowled, glaring down at her. “Maybeif you weren’t so flamboyant you wouldn’t attract so much attention to yourself and crazy humans likeSlasher69wouldn’t be wanting to ‘cut you into little pieces’ with a special knife he’s been sharpening just for you!”

Samsucked in a breath.

“Hesaidthat?”She’dreally been trying to avoid reading the deranged comments this particular “fan” left under all her videos on social media, but they were getting harder to ignore.Hewasn’t just on herYouTubechannel, either.Hefollowed her across all platforms, includingInstagram,Tagalong,Piper, andFaceBook.Tobe honest, he seemed kind of obsessed with her—whichwasa little scary—but nothing to lose her shit over.

OrsoSamkept telling herself.

Now, however,R’ornwas telling her that it was time to takeSlasher69seriously—not that she wanted to listen.Butstill…

“Hereally said he…he wanted to cut me into pieces?” she couldn’t help asking.

“Thatand a hell of a lot worse.I’mnot goinganywhereuntil this fucker is caught,” the bigKindredgrowled. “Nomatter how much you insult me—Igave you my oath andI’mnotfucking breaking it.”

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