Page 3 of Wicked and Wild
“Hey—you’rethe one insultingmeandmywork!”Sampointed out, getting angry all over again. “Juststop shitting on whatIdo for a living and we’ll get along a lot better—all right?”
“Allright…all right…”Helifted both hands, palms up. “Butdon’t ask me to leave while this guy is stalking you.He’sfuckingcrazy.”
“Alot of people are.”Samwent back to putting equipment into her bag. “Ifyou ignore them, they generally go away.”
“Idon’t think that’s going to work with this guy—he seems completely obsessed with you,”R’ornsaid, echoing her own thoughts to an uncomfortable degree. “Look, maybe if you weren’t so fucking gorgeous, he’d lose interest.Haveyou thought about trying to look a little plainer in your vids?”
Samshot him a surprised look.Gorgeous?Washe serious?
“Excuseme,” she said, putting a hand on her hip. “Didyou just sayI’mpretty?”
“Comeon—you know you are,”R’orngrowled. “Imean—justlookat you.”Hewaved a hand to indicate her face and body. “You’reanEliteand you’ve got those luscious lips and those big, dark eyes…”
“Afemale who theGoddesshas blessed with extra-generous curves,” he growled. “Andyou’re alwaysflauntingthem—wearing those tight clothes and making your face up to emphasize your beauty…”
Samshot a glance at herself in one of the side mirrors of her van.Aheart-shaped face with straight black hair and big, very dark blue eyes stared back.Shehad on pale makeup and her full lips—which she had painted into a cupid’s bow with a ruby-black lipstick—seemed to pout sensuously.
Herclothing was all black from her form-fitting, long sleeved t-shirt and leather mini skirt to her black tights andDocMartins.Yes, her clothes hugged her body but so what?Shehad realized back in high school after trying diet after diet that she was never going to be skinny.Nowshe owned her curves and showed them off with pride.
TheGothlook was mostly for her viewers—it went with her image as one of the few who could “see beyond the veil and commune with the spirits.”Butshe wasn’t about to tone it down—it was part of her on-line persona.Justthe fact that the bigKindredwas asking her to change—tonotbe herself—made her feel attacked.
“Look,Idress howIwant andIuse whatever makeupIwant,” she snapped atR’orn. “Thisis whoIam.Anyonewho doesn’t like it—including you—can go fuck themselves!”
R’ornmade a noise of frustration.
“I’mnot trying toinsultyou.AllI’msaying is, maybe if you toned it down some, you wouldn’t attract so many crazies.”
Samlifted her chin.
“I’mnot toning anything down for anybody,” she declared. “AndIdon’t needyouto tell me how to dress or what makeup to wear either.I’msupposedto be attracting attention—that’s the whole idea of social media—to get more viewers!”
“Butsome of them are fucking crazy!” he exclaimed, his eyes flashing.
Samshrugged, trying to look stoic.
“That’spart of the job.Look, wouldIlike to just go around the country exploring haunted houses as a hobby without having to film everything?Sure, that would be great.Butthat’s arichperson’s life—not mine.Iwas barely getting by beforeIstarted my channel—and nowImake enough to repair my van when it breaks down and save a little money for emergencies.Ieven get to treat myself to something nice like a spa day occasionally.SoI’mgoing to keep doing whatI’mdoing for as long asIhave to andIdon’t needyouinterfering.”
“Fine—keep painting a target on your back,”R’orngrowled. “I’llkeep my oath to protect you and keep you safe—you’re just making my job a hell of a lot harder, that’s all, sweetheart.”
“You’remakingmyjob harder too—just by being here,”Samtold him. “Nowcome on—Ihave to meet the owner of the mansion and do a little intro on the front porch andIdonotneed any of your input whileI’mdoing it.”
Hemimed a gesture of sealing his mouth shut.
“Youwon’t hear a word.”
“Good.That’sthe wayIlike it.”
Samturned her back on him and began crunching through the dry leaves to reach the huge mansion where she was going to stay the night and hopefully get the best footage of her life.
Aslong as the bigKindreddidn’t interfere, that was—the asshole!
R’ornwatched the curvy littleElitestalk off, her ridiculously clunky boots crunching in the fallen foliage as she went and her full, rounded backside twitching becomingly.Damnit—if only she wasn’t so fucking gorgeous!Andif only she didn’t flaunt her beauty so freely!