Page 4 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 4 of Wicked and Wild

Itwasn’t just the fact that she was drawing the unwanted attention of deranged humans, either.Itwas the fact that she made theBeastwithin him—the dark, hungry part which almost always slept—stir restlessly.Severaltimes it had almost awakened andR’ornhad been forced to step away from her and calm it down as best he could.

Thishad never happened to him before.Hewas aWulvenKindredbut he had managed never to let that wild and ravenous part of himself out.Inorder to achieve this, he mostly kept away from planets that had a natural satellite.BecausehisBeastwas tied to the cycles of the moon, that usually kept it quiescent.Livingon theMotherShipmade things easy—though it orbited theEarth’smoon, it was easy to find places in the huge ship where the moon’s light didn’t shine.

Ofcourse, coming toEarthon assignmentdidcomplicate things somewhat.ButR’ornhad protected females on planets with moons once or twice before.Hesimply stayed inside on the night of the full moon or made certain his job was done before the moon reached its zenith.

Andso, theBeastinside him slept on—until he was assigned to guardSamanthaWyatt.Neverbefore had he encountered a female who interested it, though he had been aProtectorfor years.Butthe moment he had knelt before her and taken her hands in his to offer hisOathofProtection, theBeasthad stirred to wakefulness and uttered the first word it had ever spoken…


R’ornhad heard that single word tolling like a bell inside his head and it was all he could do to finish giving hisOathand retain his composure.Hehad excused himself afterwards to go calm theBeast.

Theexperience had shaken him to his core—but of course he couldn’t show it—especially not to the female he was protecting.Heknew one thing though—he had to keep hisBeastunder wraps at all costs.Sohe kept his distance from the curvy littleEliteand fed the antagonism between them on purpose.Andso far, to his great relief, he had found that if he didn’t touch her, hisBeastslept on and didn’t wake.

However, he was getting more and more worried about her safety.Hewould guard her with his life but there was only so much he could do if she refused to help.Despiteher many admirers, there were several obnoxious or hurtful comments under almost all of her videos.Humansseemed to feel free to disparage each other as long as they had the anonymity of theInternetto hide behind.Butnone of them worried him as much as the comments from the user called “Slasher69.”

Thecomments had started as thinly veiled sexual come-ons—this user seemed to believe that a “fat chick” as he calledSamantha—would welcome his advances.Hewrote things like,

“Whydon’t we get together, baby?I’lllet you suck me like your favorite lollypop all night long—fat chickslovesucking dick.”


“Ifyou go down on your knees and beg for me to fuck you,I’llpound you from behind, doggy-style.I’llmake you come so hard youcry!”

Andother more disgusting things as well—things a male should never say to a female he hadn’t even met and didn’t know intimately.ItmadeR’ornangry just to read them—he wanted to reach through the screen and grab the disrespectful human by his throat and teach him a lesson!

ButwhenSamanthadidn’t reply to any ofSlasher69’s posts, his tone had gotten progressively more threatening.

“Youfat bitch!You’llbe begging me to fuck you butI’mgoing to fuck you up instead!”one of his recent remarks had read.“I’mgoing to slice you into little pieces and fill a bathtub with your blood.ThatwayIcan jerk off all over you any timeIwant!”

Naturally, most of the major social media platforms didn’t allow this kind of threatening language, butSlasher69got around that by inserting symbols and numbers instead of letters into some of the words.So“fat bitch” became “f@t b1tch.”Themodified words were still readable and they got his point across without setting off the bots that were supposed to catch this kind of hate speech.

Hewas also proving impossible to track down.R’ornhad been trying ever since he’d been assigned toSamanthaand he wasn’t having much luck.He’deven gotten a tech on theMotherShipwhose specialty was the humanInternetto try, butSlasher69remained at large.Whoeverhe was, he was extremely good at covering his tracks.

R’ornwished the stalker hadn’t latched on toSamanthabut he could see why he had.Shewas so pretty and vibrant—even in her videos, she came across as genuine and relatable.Sheseemed to honestly want to help the “spirits” she “communicated” with.Infact, ifR’ornhadn’t been so sure she was just performing an act for the human social media ecosphere, he might almost have believed she was really speaking to dead humans and trying to help them.

Becausethat was what she did—at least according to her show—she went to “haunted houses” and helped the dead get what they wanted.

Oftenit was simply acknowledgement.Sometimesshe would listen and talk as though holding a whole conversation with a person who wasn’t there—she really was an amazingly realistic actress,R’ornthought.Sheought to be in some of the human’s shows or movies—she would certainly be a better female lead than the stick-thin females that they all seemed to think were so attractive here onEarth.

Sometimesshe encountered an evil or vengeful spirit and pretended that she had to leave the house quickly.Butmostly she made it seem as though the “ghosts” she contacted were willing to speak to her and tell her the story of their life and death, which she then relayed to her eagerly listening audience.

R’ornhad to admit that even though he knew the whole thing was fake, her vids really were entertaining.Hehad watched hours and hours of them—though at first he’d promised himself he was only reading the comments to look for dangerous humans and keep her safe.Butthe littleElitehad an innate charisma that translated well to the screen, and he found he couldn’t stop watching.

Andnow he was going to get to watch her make one of her vids up close and personal—which was doubtless going to be interesting.Samanthainsisted that she really could see and hear spirits—it would be fun to watch her film her show, though he wished she would just admit, at least to him, that it was all an act.However, she didn’t seem willing to do that, so he would just have to keep his mouth closed and watch over her while she worked.

R’ornjust hoped thatSlasher69wasn’t anywhere around.Orif he was, he hoped he showed himself soon soR’orncould take him out.Nextweek was the full moon and he couldn’t protectSamanthathen—he would need to be somewhere hidden inside or else back at theMotherShip—which would be safer and better.

Otherwise, she’d have more than a stalker after her—she’d have hisBeast—and that was a much greater danger than any human could ever pose.



“Welcometo the beautiful and historicBelgraveMansion—the oldest haunted house still functioning as anInnin the country.I’mMs.PrimroseandI’llbe yourInnkeeper.”

Ms.Primrosewas a woman in her fifties wearing aColonialperiod dress with a lace cap and a long white apron over her gingham gown.Asshe spoke, she smiled atSamand spread her hands invitingly.

“It’sso nice to meet you,”Samsaid, smiling back. “AndtheBelgraveis even more beautiful thanI’dimagined!”

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