Page 31 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 31 of Wicked and Wild

Justas he was thinking this,Samanthabegan stirring.

“Who…what…?”Sheopened her eyes and looked around, clearly disorientated. “WhyamIsleeping on the ground?Andwhy amIsosore?”she murmured.

“That’sbecause of me,”R’ornsaid hoarsely. “Goddess, baby,I’mso fucking sorry!”

“What?”Shelooked up at him, frowning. “Oh, it’s you!Ithought yourBeastwas still here.”

“He’sgone back inside,”R’ornsaid grimly. “Nowthat the damage is done and he’s had his pleasure.”

“Heappears to be still having it.Or, er,youare, anyway.”Shelooked down between her legs whereR’ornwas still filling her.

“Fuck!I’msorry!”R’ornapologized again.Hestarted to pull out, but she stopped him with a hand on his leg.

“Wait!Slowly,” she begged. “Doit slowly,R’orn.I’mreallysore—yourBeastis a lot to take.”

“Youshould never have had to take him,”R’ornsaid grimly as he slowly and carefully withdrew from her. “Ishould have kept better control of him.”

“Youwarned me what would happen,”Samanthapointed out. “You—ohhh!”

Herwords ended in a gasp as his shaft at last came free from her pussy and with it, a gush of white cream.

“Goddess!”R’orngroaned.Hecouldn’t believe how much he’d filled her with!

“Thought…you didn’t believe in theGoddess.”Samanthawinced as she slowly sat up.

“Afterlast night,I’ma believer,”R’orntold her. “Shesent me to come help you—told me you were being attacked.”

“Ugh—bySlasher69.Thatfreak!”Sheshivered and then looked up at him. “Ican’t believe you killed him!”

Hiseyes flashed.

“Hefucking got what he deserved!We’llreport his body to the authorities later.”

“Really?”Samasked. “You’renot afraid to tell them you killed a human?”

“WhyshouldIbe?”Heshrugged. “TheWorldCourthas ruled that aKindredwarrior is justified in killing any male who tries to harm his female.Thatbastard signed his own death warrant the moment he typed the first threat he sent you.”

“I’mgladIdon’t have to worry about him anymore,”Samadmitted with another shiver. “Idon’t know who he was but he wascrazy.”

“He’sgone now,”R’ornsaid comfortingly. “You’resafe from him, baby.”

“Thankyou.”Samlooked up at him. “Buttell me about theGoddess.Whatdid she look like?I’vespoken to lots of spirits and ghosts but no deities.”

“Ididn’t’ see her so much as felt and heard her,”R’ornadmitted. “Herpresence was like a heavy weight on me—she was seriously displeased thatI’dleft you alone and in danger.”Heshook his head. “Ijust don’t understand why she would send me to you on the night of the full moon.Shemust have known what would happen—known that myBeastalready hungered for you.”

“Maybeshe sent you so that we could finally get together—because she knew there was no other way we could when you were being so stubborn.”

R’ornhad been staring morosely at the grass but now his head jerked up in astonishment.Hehadn’t heardSamantha’svoice with his ears—he’d heard itinside his head.

“What…how…?” he began.

“Didyou hear that?”Samanthaasked, looking at him anxiously. “I, er, ‘sent’ it as loud asIcould.”

“OfcourseIheard it!”R’ornexclaimed.

“Good.Then…does that mean whatIthink it means?”Shelooked at him shyly. “MyAuntLunatold me when you have, uh,BondingSexwith aKindredwarrior, you’re able to exchange thought messages.Like, talk telepathically.So…does that mean we’reBonded?”she finished, sending the last question through their new link rather than saying it out loud.

“I…Isuppose it does,”R’ornsent back tentatively.“ThoughIdon’t feel likeIdeserve to beBondedto you, sweetheart.Notafter the way myBeastandItreated you last night.”

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