Page 32 of Wicked and Wild
“Look, is yourBeasta lot to handle?Yes.God, yes.” she said, switching back to speaking aloud. “AndwasIscared at first, also yes.Butby the endIthink we had, er, reached an understanding.”
“Anunderstanding?”R’ornexclaimed. “Whatwas there to understand?He—we—held you down and took you!Youhad no choice, no say, no—”Heshook his head, feeling sick. “I’mso fucking sorry, sweetheart—whatIdid to you last night is unforgivable.”
“No, it’s not!”Samanthaprotested. “BecauseIparticipated too—it was an act of passion.”
“Itwas an act ofviolence,”R’ornargued. “Idon’t deserve you—don’t deserve to beBondedto you.I…Ishould go and leave you alone.”
“Isthat what youreallywant?”Samanthademanded. “Toleave me?”
“No, damn it!BecauseIloveyou!”R’ornburst out, feeling pushed to the edge.
“Good, becauseIlove you too!”Samshot back. “Iknow it’s crazy—Iknow we haven’t known each other for long.Butit just feels like…”
“Webelong together,”R’ornfinished for her.
“Exactly.Socan you please stop beating yourself up about what happened between me and yourBeastlast night?I’mnot upset about it—Ipromise.”Sheswitched to her mental voice.“Afterall, it brought us together.”
“Isuppose it did,”R’ornacknowledged grudgingly.“ButIstill feel bad about how hardIused you, baby.”
“I’llbe fine—nothing a long hot shower and a little ibuprofen won’t fix.”Shestarted to stand up and winced. “Well, maybe alotof ibuprofen.”
“Letme take care of you,”R’ornsaid.Hestood up and then bent to swing her into his arms.
“What?Oh!” she gasped as he lifted her and cradled her against his chest. “Whereare you taking me?”
“You’remy mate now,”R’ornreminded her. “I’mtaking you back to my ship soIcan take care of you.”
“Oh, well…”
Sheshifted in his arms and at first he thought she would protest.Buthe sent a wave of love and devotion through their new link—also the need and desire he felt to care for her and heal the wounds he’d made.Atlast, he felt her relax.
“Allright,” she said simply. “Iusually take care of myself butIguess if you really want to…”
“Ido,”R’ornassured her through their link. “Iwant to take care of you for the rest of our lives, sweetheart.”
Thenhe held her close and carried her back towards his ship.
Therumors were true,Samfound—theKindredshuttles reallydidhave a living area in the back of them.Therewas also a nice shower, big enough for two, and a king-sized bed.
R’orngot her into the shower first—he came in with her, actually.Hewashed her gently but thoroughly and whenSamtried to protest that she was capable of cleaning herself, he only shook his head and told her he wanted to care for her.
“I’myour mate, sweetheart—mates take care of each other.Please, just let me do this,”he murmured through their link.
Itwasn’t easy forSam—she was kind of a control freak and used to taking care of herself.Butshe could feel how much the bigKindredwanted to do this for her.Soin the end, she held still and let him wash her everywhere—even between her thighs, where she was the most tender.
R’ornwas especially careful when he knelt before her and washed her there, using just his fingers and taking things very gently as he rinsed away the seed hisBeasthad pumped into her the night before.
Afterwards, he dried her thoroughly and then laid her in the center of the big bed.
“What…what are you doing?”Samasked, as he got between her thighs and put her legs over his shoulders.