Page 33 of Wicked and Wild
“Healingyou.”R’ornlooked up. “Mykind ofKindredis able to make healing compounds for his mate—much like theBloodKindreddo.”
“But…well…Imean—”Sambegan to protest.
“Thisisn’tsexual,”R’orninterrupted her sternly. “Andit’s not going to lead to anything else.Thisis just me trying to make up for whatIdid to you last night, baby—trying to fix the damage myBeastcaused.”
“Well…all right,”Samagreed.Sheknew how much he loved to taste her, but she hadn’t had any idea that he could heal her this way.
“Good.Nowjust relax and hold still,”R’orncommanded, his golden eyes flashing. “Bea good girl for me,Samantha—Ijust want to heal you.”
Therewas something about his dominant tone that did funny things toSam’sinsides but she tried to do as he said and just relax, as the bigKindredducked his head and began to bathe her pussy with long, slow licks of his tongue.
Hestarted with her outer lips, whichSamhad to admit felt wonderful.Butafter awhile, he looked up at her.
“Areyou ready for me to heal you inside now, baby?” he murmured. “Readyto let me spread you open and heal your inner pussy?”
Sam’sheart skipped a beat and there were suddenly butterflies in her stomach.
“I…Iguess so,” she whispered. “If…if you’re careful.”
“Iswear to always be careful with you from now on,” he promised. “Justrelax sweetheart, and let me heal you inside.”
Thenhe carefully spread her outer pussy lips with his thumbs and ducked down again to begin lapping her inner folds with long, slow strokes of his tongue.
Itstung just a little at first, especially when he circled the mouth of her pussy and dipped inside with his tongue, healing the area where the huge knot had spread her so wide the night before.Samwhimpered and shifted her hips butR’ornlooked up with a stern expression.
“No,Samantha,” he said firmly. “Youhave to be a good girl andlie still.”
“I…I’mtrying,” she whispered.Again, his dominant tone seemed to send butterflies through her, but she did her best not to move.
R’ornfinished healing the inner walls of her pussy and then went back to lapping her tender folds, dragging his tongue up and over her clit over and over slowly and gently.
Sambit her lip.Itfelt as though her new mate’s touch was starting a gentle fire in her belly—a fire that was spreading through her entire body.Hernipples were tight with desire and her clit was throbbing.Itwas getting harder and harder to be still!
Sheknew thatR’orn’sonly intention was to heal her, but she was getting closer and closer to orgasm and she didn’t know if he would be upset with her if she came.Afterall, she wasn’t one to just lie there when the pleasure hit her—she always had tomove.Also, he had said specifically that this wasn’t sexual—would he be upset with her for taking it that way?
Atlast she was nearly panting from the slow, gentle pleasure he was building inside her with his long, leisurely licks.Herhands were fisted in the bedspread on either side of her and her core felt as tight as a wire.
“Whatis it, sweetheart?”R’ornlooked up, speaking through their link though he never stopped licking her.“Ican feel how tense you’re getting.What’swrong—don’t you feel better?”
“I…Ifeel more thanbetter,”Sampanted out loud. “R’orn,Iknow you said this isn’t sexual andI’mnot supposed to move, butIcan’t help myself—IthinkI’mgoing to…going to come if you keep this up!”
“Hmm, so you’re going to be anaughtygirl?”he murmured, raising an eyebrow at her as he continued to lap her pussy.
“I…Ican’t help it!”Sampanted. “Ican’t hold it back andIcan’t hold still anymore!”
“No,Samantha—you have to be a good girl and hold still—no coming untilI’msure you’re all healed,”he growled sternly through their link.
“But…but it feels sogood!”Sammoaned.God, what was it about the stern way he was talking to her inside her head that was making her even hotter?Shefelt like a naughty girl who might get a punishment if she was caught doing something bad…but at the same time, she felt completely unable to not do that bad thing.Afterall, how could she help coming when he was torturing her so sweetly with his tongue?
“Youjust have to lay still and be good,”R’orntold her.“Andno coming unlessIsay so.I’mnot done healing you yet.Here—how does this feel?”
Andhe slipped two long, thick fingers deep in her pussy as he continued to lick slowly over her throbbing clit.
“It…it feels all right,”Sampanted. “I…Imean, it doesn’t hurt or…or anything.”
“Andthis?”Hecurled his fingers upwards and began to rub—and somehow he found an internal spot thatSamhadn’t even known she had.
Ashe massaged it, waves of pleasure deeper than anything she’d ever felt washed over her.OhGod, was that herG-spot?She’dthought it was a myth!ButsomehowR’ornhad found it as easily as he’d found her clit—which was not something any of the other men she’d ever been with had been able to do.