Page 50 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 50 of Wicked and Wild

“Thedemon is wounded,” he pointed out. “IfIcan catch it before it leaves theMotherShip,Imight be able to finish it off.”

ButallHannacould think about was being alone in the room—alone and vulnerable and helpless.

“Whatif it comes back for me?” she cried. “Please—don’t leave!”Thenshe dissolved into sobs of terror and couldn’t say any more.

Thewarrior sheathed his sword and came back to her at once.Sittingdown on the bed beside her, he put a warm, comforting arm aroundHanna’sshaking shoulders.

Sheleaned against him, unable to do anything for a long time but sob and shake as she struggled to hold onto her sanity.

TheDarkEntitywas gone…but for how long?Andwhat would she do the next time it came for her?

Therewere no answers—only tears.



Wraith’sheart fisted in his chest as he cradled the littleEliteagainst his side.Shefelt so fragile, curled against him.Ithad been well over a century since he’d held a female and he had forgotten how small and breakable they were.Hewanted to comfort her but he wanted to be careful with her as well, so he simply held her while she cried and didn’t say anything.

Atlast, she looked up at him with wet eyes.Herlong lashes were matted with tears and her eyes were huge and filled with emotion.

“It…it would have killed me,” she somehow managed to get out. “Itsaid it would…would rape me and…and eat me at the…at thesame time!”

Wraithfelt sick with anger for her.Thepoor little female!Hewanted to comfort her, but he wasn’t sure how to do that, so he said the only thing he could think of.

“Thedemon won’t touch you again,” he told her. “Iswearit,Hanna—Igive you myOathas aKindredwarrior—Iwon’t let him near you again!”

“Who…who are you?”Shemanaged to get out. “Areyou watching over me for some reason?”

“Iguess in a way,”Wraithsaid hesitantly. “Inoticed you in theDockingBayandIsawyounoticingme.Imean—you were able toseeme.Thathasn’t happened in a long time.”

“You’rea ghost, right?” she asked, looking up at him. “Aspirit who got left behind?”


“That’sright and you’re the only one who’s ever been able to see me.”Heshook his head. “Thisis the first conversationI’vehad in over a century.”

Hereyes widened.

“I’msorry you’ve been trapped for so long.Mysister—she has aGiftlike mine, but hers is more practical.She’sreally good at guiding lost spirits to the afterlife.Maybeshe could help you find the way home.”

“I’mnot going anywhere as long as you’re in danger,”Wraithsaid firmly. “Didn’tIjust give you myOathto protect you?”

“But…you don’t even know me,” she pointed out.

“No, butI’dlike to.”Shewas still leaning against him with his arm around her shoulder, soWraithgave her a gentle squeeze. “Whoare you?” he asked. “Andhow long have you been able to see people like me?”

“Youalready seem to know my name—Hanna,” she pointed out. “Wereyou eavesdropping on me?”

“Ifyou mean wasIwatching you—yesIwas,”Wraithadmitted. “Iwanted to know more about you.AsIsaid, you’re the first person who’s been able to see me in over a century.Thatmade me curious about you.”

Shenibbled her lush lower lip.

“IguessIcan see that,” she said at last, nodding.

“I’mWraith, by the way,”Wraithsaid. “Itonly seems fair that you know my name sinceIknow yours.”

“Niceto meet you,Wraith.”Shelet out a shaky laugh that was more than a half sob. “Notthat this is exactly a typical introduction—you saving me from a demon.”

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