Page 51 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 51 of Wicked and Wild

“I’mgladIwas close enough to hear your cries,” he said seriously.

“Iam too.Reallyglad.”

Sheshifted in his arms and looked down at herself.Therewas a large rip in the front of her nightdress which showed the creamy inner curves of her breasts.Wraithhad noticed it of course, but he’d been concentrating on comforting her—he couldn’t feel much desire when she was so distraught.

“Oh!” she exclaimed and pulled the ragged parts of the dress together. “Sorry,Ididn’t mean to, uh, flash you.”

“I’mnot offended,”Wraithassured her. “Ialso want to make something clear—whenIaccidentally woke you earlier tonight,Iwasn’t, er, trying to take advantage of you.Iwastryingto get a better look at the runes on your forehead.”

“Runes?”Herfingertips went to the burning lines that still glowed just above her eyebrows. “MyAuntLunasaid they might be ancientAssyrian.”

“They’rerunic symbols and they have the energy of evil,”Wraithsaid grimly. “Thedemon that is after you has marked you most powerfully.”

“IwishIcould get them off!”Sherubbed at her forehead fiercely, but the glowing symbols remained. “He—theDarkEntity—seems to think they’ll make melustafter him.”Herface screwed up in an expression of disgust. “Hesaid they’ll make mebeghim to…to take me.Andonce he does, then he can drag me down toHellwith him—or wherever it is he came from.”

“TheDemonicRealms,Iimagine,”Wraithsaid. “It’sone of theSevenHells.”

“Doyou really think the curse he put on me will work, though?Imean itcan’t—can it?”Shelooked up at him pleadingly.

“Idon’t know,”Wraithsaid honestly. “Doyou feel any different?”

Shemade a face.

“Idon’t exactly feel, er, ‘amorous’ as my aunt puts it, if that’s what you’re asking.ProbablybecauseIwas scared to death, but also because that thing isdisgusting.”

“Letme look at them again.”Wraithswept her hair aside with one hand and leaned in, getting a good look once more at the glowing symbols.Aftera moment, he shook his head. “Therunes he carved in your flesh are strong ones—they speak of ownership and possession—of lust and hunger and greed to devour.”

Hannashivered and pressed closer to his side.

“Youseem to know a lot about them.Doyou know of any way to get rid of them?”

“Thedemon that put them there must be killed or driven back to thePit,”Wraithtold her.Hefrowned. “Sincethey still glow so brightly,I’mafraid it’s clear the creature still lives.Ionly wounded him.”

“Ishould have let you go after him,”Hannasaid, bowing her head. “Iwas just soterrifiedit might come back for me the minute you left.”

“Hey…of course you were frightened.It’snot your fault.”Wraithlifted her chin gently, marveling at how soft her skin was as he did.WhenHannamet his eyes he cupped her cheek and swiped at the tear tracks on her face with his thumb. “Noneof this is your fault.”

“Itmustbe.”Shelooked away. “Whyelse would he be after me?”

“Youclearly have an extremely powerful gift,”Wraithtold her. “Yourkin—yourAuntLunahas one as well and you tell me your sister does too.ButHanna, each of them have a single candle—you have a star that’s gone nova inside you!NowthatI’mclose to you,Ican feel it.It’slike a tingling current of energy running through you.”

“Oh, amI, er, shocking you?”Shestarted to move away butWraithpulled her back gently.

“Evenif you were,Iwouldn’t want you to leave,” he told her. “Butyou’re not—it’s just somethingIcan feel.MaybebecauseI’ma ghost.”

“Well, you’re the most solid looking ghostI’veever seen,”Hannatold him. “I’venever seen a ghost that looked so, well, soalive.”

“Ididn’t feel alive untilImet you,”Wraithtold her. “Doyou know how long it’s been sinceItouched someone?SinceIheld a beautiful woman in my arms?”

“Oh, er…thank you.”Hercheeks went pink.

“Ididn’t mean to embarrass you,”Wraithsaid. “Butyou are, you know—beautiful.Ihope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable for me to say that butInoticed your beauty when you first came from that shuttle in theDockingBay.”

“I, uh, noticed you too,” she admitted, looking down at her hands.Sheglanced up at him for a moment. “Especiallyyour eyes.Whatkind ofKindredare you?”

“AHybrid—halfBloodKindredand halfBeast.”Hegrinned briefly, showing the short, sharp fangs that proclaimed theBloodKindredpart of his heritage. “That’swhyIhave one blue eye and one gold,” he added.

“Oh—Iwondered.”Shenodded and then yawned.

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