Page 52 of Wicked and Wild
Theyawn seemed to catch her by surprise because she clapped a hand over her mouth and her eyes went wide.
“Oh,I’mso sorry—that was rude!I’mnot bored or anything,I’mjust suddenly so…so…”Sheyawned again, hiding it with her hand. “Sotired.”
“Ofcourse you are—it’s the middle of the night,”Wraithsaid reasonably. “Youneed to sleep.”
“I’mafraid to.”Herlovely eyes went wide. “What…what if he comes back?”
“Idon’t think the demon will return tonight,”Wraithassured her. “Iwounded him pretty badly.Butif it will make you feel better,I’llstand at the end of your bed with my sword drawn all night, guarding your sleep.”
“You’dreally do that for me?But…you just met me.”
“AndIgave you myOathofProtection,”Wraithreminded her.
“But…don’t you need to sleep too?” she protested.
“Inever sleep.I’ma ghost,” he reminded her.
“Oh—that’s right.”Hercheeks went pink with embarrassment. “HowcouldIforget?It’sjust…you’re not like any ghostI’veever met before.Andbelieve me,I’vebeen seeing ghosts sinceIwas a baby.”
“Thatmust have been hard for you,”Wraithremarked. “Carryingsuch a powerfulGift—such a heavy burden at such a young age.”
Sheshrugged uncomfortably.
“Itdidn’t start gettingreally baduntilIwas a teenager—that’s whenIstarted seeing the, uh, darker spirits, not just ghosts.”
Wraith’sheart went out to her.Hecouldn’t imagine having to deal with such frightening sights when she was so young and vulnerable.
“Wellyou don’t have to worry about that particular dark spirit tonight,” he promised her. “I’llguard your sleep,Hanna.AndIwon’t leave your side for a moment.”
Shenibbled her lower lip.
“Will…will you wake me up again ifIstart having a nightmare?I’mworried the, uh,DarkEntitymight try to get to me that way.Through…through my dreams.”
“I’venever heard of a dark spirit that can do that, but yes,I’llwake you if you start to thrash or cry out,”Wraithpromised her.
“And…you’ll really stay with me?”Shelooked at him appealingly. “Allnight long?”
“Allnight long.”Impulsively, he squeezed her shoulders and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Goto sleep now,Hanna.Doyou want me to tuck you in?”
“I, er, thinkIcan manage.”Shegave him a tentative smile. “Wraith, why doIfeel likeI’veknown you all my life?”
“MaybetheGoddesssent me to you—or you to me,”Wraithsaid seriously.Despitehis long confinement to theMotherShip, he still believed in theMotherof allLife. “Afterall, you’re the only one who can see me, andIseem to be the only one who can see the demon that’s after you and the markings he left on you.”
Shewent pale and her fingertips traveled to her forehead again for a moment.
“That’strue.Iwish they would fade—then we’d know he was dead.”
Wraithdidn’t like to tell her that killing a demon was no easy proposition, so he simply nodded.
“Ifit’s any consolation,Ido think they’re alittleless bright than they were,” he told her. “Hemay yet die of his wounds.”
Hannalooked troubled.
“Iwish he would.Iwas afraidImight go…go crazy for a minute there when he was…was on top of me, pinning me down…”
Herbreath was beginning to hitch in her chest andWraithwas afraid she was going to start crying again.Notthat he minded comforting her, but what she needed right now was sleep, not more tears.
“Trynot to think about it, little one,” he murmured, stroking her cheek. “Hewon’t get a chance to get near you again.”