Page 53 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 53 of Wicked and Wild

“All…all right.”Hannalooked up at him, gratitude shining in her lovely silver-green eyes. “IftheGoddessdid send you to me,Iowe her a big ‘thank-you.’I’dbe dead right now and my soul would be in theDemonicRealmsif it wasn’t for you.”

“Don’tthink about that,”Wraithsaid again. “Neverdwell on things that might have been—that never leads to happiness.”

“Iguess you’re right.”Shesighed and shifted so she was lying down in the bed again. “Ichanged my mind—you can tuck me in if you want to.”

Wraith’sheart squeezed in his chest.Sheseemed so vulnerable…so innocent.Hewanted with all his heart to guard her and keep her safe from the terrible danger that stalked her.

“I’lltry,” he told her. “ThoughIusually can’t touch anything physical—my hand just passes right through.”

“You’retouching me,” she pointed out, sinceWraithstill had one hand on her arm. “Trypulling the covers up and see what happens.”

Hetook his hand off her arm to do as she said…but found that his fingers simply passed through the rumbled bedclothes when he reached for them.

Hannasaw the problem at once.

“Nowtry pulling the covers up with one hand while…”Sheyawned. “Whileyou touch me with the other,” she finished.

Wraithput his hand back on her arm and reached for the covers again.Thistime he had no trouble grasping them and pulling them up for her.Itoccurred to him that he had been actually sitting on the bed when he was holding her—sitting,nothovering.TouchingHannaseemed to make him solid and corporeal again in a way he hadn’t been for a century.

“Thankyou,” he said to her, meaning it from the bottom of his heart. “Thankyou so much.”

“Forwhat?”Hereyelids were already closing.

“Forletting me touch again—for letting mefeel.Thewarmth of the covers…the softness of your skin…”Heshook his head. “Ihaven’t felt anything at all in so long.”

“Thankyoufor saving my life,” she responded and yawned again. “I’msorry—I’mso sleepy now!Ididn’t…didn’t even ask you how you…how you died.Unlessthat’s a rude question?”

“Notrude at all,”Wraithassured her. “Butit’s a question for another day. “Fornow, rest andI’llguard your sleep.”

Sheblinked at him sleepily.

“Ihope you’re not a dream.”

“I’mnot,”Wraithassured her.Takingher hand, he pressed a gentle kiss into her palm. “Doesthat feel like a dream?”

“No.”Shegave him a soft, dreamy smile. “Notat all.”

Thenher eyes closed and she slept the sleep of the utterly exhausted.

Wraithwatched over her, guarding her as he had promised.Healmost hoped the demon would come back so he could kill it once and for all and free her of the curse.Butit had clearly gone somewhere to lick its wounds and recover.Untilit was dead,Hannawas at risk, he thought grimly.

Hewould have to stay by her side night and day from now on until he could get another chance to kill it.

Notthat he minded.Tenderly, he stroked her cheek and she responded with a little moan as she pressed against his hand like a kitten asking to be petted.Therewas something about the littleElitethat tugged at his heart—maybe theyweremeant by theGoddessto be together—at least until the demon was dead.

Untilthat time,Wraithpromised himself he would keep her safe and never leave her side.



“Soyou have aKindredProtectornow but he’s a ghost?”AuntLunaasked, looking atHannauncertainly.

“Yes—he’s sitting right beside me at the table, actually.”Hannanodded atWraith, who was seated beside her at the round breakfast table in her aunt’s suite.UncleBruinhad already gone off to a meeting of some kind, so it was just the three of them.Thoughto a casual observer, it would look like only two.

Hannahad been hoping that holding the bigKindred’shand would help him appear to other people the same way it made him solid enough to touch and interact with physical objects.Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to be working that way.AuntLunastill couldn’t see him, even though he andHannawere sitting side by side with their hands clasped and fingers entwined.

Sheliked holding hands with him,Hannaadmitted to herself.Likedit a lot.Infact, she felt increasingly drawn to her newKindredProtectorand it seemed like he was drawn to her as well.

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