Page 54 of Wicked and Wild
Allher life she’d heard of “love at first sight” but she’d never expected to experience it herself—mainly because most guys thought she was weird because she could see ghosts.ButWraithwasa ghost and he could see everything she could—it was wonderful to be with a man who didn’t think she had a screw loose just because she could see things he couldn’t!
“Sittingright beside you, hmm?”AuntLunalooked atHanna’shand, which to her must appear to be cocked at a strange angle with her fingers splayed—but that was because they were entwined withWraith’s.
“Yes—he’s right here.Hesaved me last night.”Sheexplained about theDarkEntityand how it had attacked her andAuntLuna’sface went rigid.
“That’sterrible,Hanna!Youshould have called me!”
“HowcouldI?Iwas paralyzed,”Hannatold her.Sheshivered. “Itwashorrible.Butthat was whenWraithappeared and chased it off.”Shesqueezed his hand gratefully. “Andhe says he’s going to stay with me and protect me.”
“Absolutely,”Wraithrumbled.Hehad a low, melodious voice that she really liked.
“Thenwe owe you a debt of gratitude,Wraith.”AuntLunanodded to him, though she couldn’t see him. “Thankyou for saving my niece and for protecting her.Hannais like a daughter to me.”Reachingout, she squeezedHanna’sarm. “I’mso glad you found aKindredProtector, my dear!”
“I’mglad too.”HannagaveWraitha shy smile and he squeezed her hand.
“It’smy very great pleasure to be at your side, little one,” he murmured, which madeHannafeel like she was melting.
Infact, she’d been feeling frisky, so to speak, from the moment she’d woken up that morning.Butshe had put it down to the fact thatWraithwas pacing around her room, looking ridiculously hot in his armor as he guarded her.Itwas kind of nice to have a bodyguard—especially such a big, muscular one.
“Sohow did your newProtectorcome to find you?”AuntLunaasked, breaking intoHanna’sthoughts.
“Oh, er, he saw me in theDockingBayyesterday,” she explained. “Andthen he noticed thatIcan seehim—which hasn’t happened in over a hundred years, apparently.”Shelooked atWraithfor confirmation and he nodded. “Sothat made him curious and he came to find me.”
“It’sa very good thing he was there at the right time to protect you,”AuntLunaremarked. “Havesome more pancakes, my dear—you always loved my blueberry pancakes before,” she added, pushing the plate that was stacked high with the delicious brown pancakes towardsHanna.
“Oh, no—Ishouldn’t.”Hannashook her head—she was always shy about eating in front of men, due to her weight.Especiallymen she liked, and she was beginning to likeWraithvery much.
“Whyshouldn’t you?”Wraithasked, frowning a little. “Youmustbe hungry.Iremember feeling ravenous whenIwoke up most mornings, back whenIwas alive.”
“Yes, but pancakes are sofattening,”Hannaprotested. “Ireally shouldn’t.”
“Yes, you should.”Helooked at her seriously. “Youneed to eat to feed your curves.Itwould be a pity if you lost them.Don’tyou want to remain anElite?”
“Whatis he saying?”AuntLunaasked eagerly.
“Oh, he saidIshould, uh, ‘eat to feed my curves’ soIcan ‘remain anElite,’”Hannasaid, looking at her aunt. “What’sanElite?”
“AnEliteis an extra curvy woman—likeallthe women in our family,”AuntLunaput a hand on one full hip. “TheKindredloveElites.”
“Youraunt is right,”Wraithconfirmed, his mismatched eyes going half-lidded as he looked atHanna. “Afemale with a full figure is beautiful andextremelydesirable.”
“Oh!”Hannacould feel her cheeks getting hot with a blush but somehow she couldn’t look away from the bigKindred.
“Here—have some more.”ThistimeAuntLunadidn’t wait for an answer, she just added two more pancakes toHanna’splate.
Hannatook a few more bites, but she found she couldn’t eat much—the butterflies in her stomach wouldn’t allow it.
Thiswas ridiculous, she told herself.Shehadn’t felt this way since college…and then the guy she’d had feelings for had turned out to be a self-absorbed, narcissistic jerk who only wanted to sleep with her because, as he put it—he wanted to “dip his dick in crazy” because he’d heard that “crazy chicks were wild in bed.”
Hannahad disappointed him—she’d never been very good at letting go in bed unless she felt really safe and cared for and he hadn’t given her that feeling at all.Hehad called her a number of names—“fat bitch,” “cold fish,” “crazy cunt”—before storming off and telling all their mutual acquaintances that she was bad in bed.
Ithad takenHannaa long time to recover from that kind of betrayal and she still hadn’t fully recovered her self-esteem, even though it had been years ago.Itwas after that encounter that she had sworn off dating for good.
ButWraithseemed the opposite of self-absorbed and narcissistic—on the contrary, he was completely focused on her, which only made the butterflies in her stomach more active and fluttery.
Itstill seemed hard to believe that he was into curvy girls—a man who looked like him down onEarthwould have had a string-bean influencer hanging off his arm.Butthe way he was looking at her madeHannaa believer.Theireyes kept meeting and his gaze was so direct—sointense.Itmade her heart pound and she had to squeeze her thighs together tightly to control the tingling she was feeling in her clit.
“Younever told me how you ended up here—stuck on theMotherShip,” she said, looking away from his gorgeous, mismatched eyes shyly.