Page 60 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 60 of Wicked and Wild

“Imight be solid enough to drink while you touch me, but what happens when we have to break contact?” he said. “Theliquid in my solid body will suddenly be suspended in midair whenIbecome incorporeal again.Itwould probably wind up on your aunt’s carpet, whichI’msure she wouldn’t like.”

Hannahad to admit that this was probably true.Sheexplained what he had said toAuntLuna, who nodded thoughtfully.

“Yes, he’s probably right.It’svery considerate of him to think about that.”

Hannathought she saw disappointment in the big warrior’s eyes.

“Wecan’t try it now, but we will later,” she murmured. “Wecan do it in the kitchen where there’s no carpet and it’s easy to clean up if there’s a mess.”

Wraithsmiled down at her.

“You’revery sweet, little one.Iwould like that very much.Ihaven’t tasted food or drink in a very long time.”

Thefour of them made small talk withHannatranslating.Shewas glad to see thatUncleBruindidn’t even bat an eye about including a ghost that he could neither see nor hear in the conversation.Heobviously trustedLuna’sword that there was someone there and even went out of his way to make conversation withWraith, whichHannatranslated.

“I’vedone some research, you know, into your ghost warrior,” he said toHanna, once they were all four seated at the table. “Hewas the leader of a battalion when he was alive and known for his ferocity in battle.”

“Oh, really?”Hannalooked up atWraith, who shrugged modestly.

“Hewas killed by a very unusual poison—we might be able to simulate an antidote for it now, but back then it was untreatable,”UncleBruinwent on.Helooked at the spot whereWraithwas sitting. “Oh, and in case you’re wondering—Mara, the female that you loved, moved back toTranqPrimeandJoinedwith aBloodKindredwarrior.Theyhad three children together—all sons—and their descendants still live onTranqPrimetoday.Shedied at the age of ninety-six of natural causes,” he added.

Wraithwas still for a moment on hearing this news, but then he nodded gravely atBruin.

“Thankyou.Ihave wondered many years what happened toMaraand how she fared,” he rumbled softly. “Iam glad to know she had a happy life with another, sinceIleft her too soon.”

“He’sglad for the information and thanks you for looking up the facts about his ex,”Hannatranslated.ShesqueezedWraith’shand.Itwas obvious that he’d lovedMaravery much but she had been dead a long time and hadn’t shown up here in theMotherShip.Whichmeant that she was probably in theKindredafterlife with theGoddessand beyond reach.

Shewondered if it was wrong that she felt just alittlebit relieved about that.Itwould have been really hard competing forWraith’saffection with another woman—especially one he had known and loved and who was also a ghost.

Theconversation moved on to other topics as they ate the deliciousbrexomstewUncleBruinhad made.Heapparently loved to cook and he was good at it too.

TheKindreddidn’t have any kind of gendered duties or ideas about “women’s work” when it came to cooking and keeping the house neat.Infact, because of the intense competition to find brides, most of them were excellent in the kitchen and more than willing to clean.Itwas important to offer a prospective mate an equitable and agreeable domestic situation, asUncleBruinexplained, whenHannaremarked on it.

“Webelieved the same thing in my time,”Wraithconfirmed, when she asked him. “Awarrior’s mate is his equal—why should he not share equally in the home duties?It’sonly fair.”Hefrowned. “IfearIwon’t be able to help you asIshould though, unless you’re willing to touch me the whole time soI’msolid enough.”

Hannacouldn’t quite smother a smile when she thought of the huge ghost warrior doing housework while she trailed behind him, keeping a hand on his arm or back so he was solid enough to handle the vacuum cleaner or wash the dishes.

“Thankyou,Wraith, but you don’t make any messes andIdon’t mind cleaning up after myself,” she told him.

Dinnerwas lovely and it helped take her mind off the lust curse, which was still working on her.Butafter the last bite of sweet strawberry pretzel salad—AuntLuna’sspecialty—was eaten, she began to feel fidgety again.

“Ishould be getting back to my suite,” she told her aunt after they cleared the table together. “Thankyou again for today—Ihad a wonderful time and got everythingIneeded.Ikept a total andI’llpay you back as soon asIcan.”

“Don’tworry about that.”AuntLunasmiled and patted her on the cheek. “Ijust want you to be happy.”ShegaveHannaa slightly worried look. “Andyou’resureyou’ll be all right tonight?Ican renew the wards, or you can sleep in our guest room here if you like.”

“Thankyou,AuntLuna, butI’llbe fine,”Hannasaid firmly. “Wraithwill be with me all night.Right,Wraith?” she asked looking up at him.

“Iwill not leave your side,” he rumbled. “Andif the demon comes back,I’llfinish him off this time!”Thelook in his eyes was so fierce thatHannashivered.

“He’sgoing to stay right beside me,” she toldAuntLuna. “ButIpromiseI’llcall you if there’s trouble.”

“Well…all right.”AuntLunalooked up to the spot whereWraithwas standing, though she couldn’t see him. “I’mtrusting you,Wraith.”

“AndIwill not betray your faith in me,” he promised gravely. “ThoughIhave not known her long,Hannais precious to me.Iwill do everything in my power to protect her.”

Hannarepeated this, feeling her cheeks get hot as she did.DidWraithreally already have feelings for her?Becauseshe wascertainlyhaving feelings for him.

Infact, the feelings she was having were getting pretty intense, but they weren’t all just because of her huge ghost warrior.Itwas the lust runes working on her again, she thought, pressing her thighs together.Earliershe’d askedAuntLunaif she had found any other spells or counter spells that might help remove them, but her aunt had shaken her head.

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