Page 61 of Wicked and Wild
“No, but even ifIdid,Idon’t think they would work, my dear,” she had toldLuna. “Ithink that your ghost warrior is right—the only thing that will remove the curse is for theDarkEntityto be wounded or driven back to thePit, where it belongs.”
SoHannawas stuck living with the lust curse for now.Andat the moment, shereallyneeded to get back to her own suite and see if she could do something to scratch her itch.Earliershe hadn’t been able to help herself, but she had to try again or she was going to gocrazy.
Sothey said goodbye and she promised her aunt she would come over for lunch the next day.Then, trying to walk normally despite the way she felt so swollen and hot between her legs, she left and went back to her own suite withWraithbeside her.
Wraithcould tell something was bothering his littleElite.Towardsthe end ofLastMealshe had gotten quieter and more withdrawn and now she was walking almost as though she was in pain.Hewanted to ask her what was wrong, but he got the impression that she wanted to keep whatever was bothering her private, so he said nothing and only followed her into her suite.
Oncethey got inside, she went straight to the bathing chamber again.Wraithpaced outside the door for what felt like a long time, waiting for her and wondering what was going on.Wasshe all right in there?Itmade him nervous to have her out of his sight—what if the demon came back and grabbed her while he was trying to give her privacy?Partof him wanted to float through the door and check on her but he didn’t want to lose her trust.Hedidn’t want to—
Alittle cry from the other side of the door erased all doubts from his mind and he came charging through the door, drawing his sword as he did.
Whathe found, though, wasn’t what he’d expected.He’dbeen sure he would see the demonic entity trying to stealHannaaway.Insteadhe found her with her panties down and one hand between her legs.Therewas an agonized look on her face and tears in her eyes.
“Hanna?What’swrong, little one?”Wraithfrowned, his sword in one hand. “Iheard a cry—it sounded like you were in pain.”
“OhmyGod!”Hercheeks went red and she began scrambling to pull up her panties.
Wraithstopped her by coming to put a hand on her arm.Theminute he touched her, the physical world became more real for him and he understood what was going on.
Thescent of a female in need reached his nose—a hot, almost desperate fragrance that made his cock go immediately hard.Butthe embarrassed, pained look onHanna’sface was enough to stop him from getting too excited.
“Littleone?” he murmured, ducking down to look into her eyes. “What’swrong?Pleasetell me.”
“It…it’s soembarrassing,” she whispered, looking down at her hands.
“There’sno need to be embarrassed with me,”Wraithassured her gently. “Whateverit is, you can tell me andIwon’t judge you—Iswear it.”
“It…it’s this damn lust curse!” she burst out at last. “It’smaking mecrazy!I’venever been so hot in my life butIcan’tdoanything about it!”
Wraithhad thought it might be something like that, but he’d assumed she could deal with the effects of the curse on her own with self-pleasure.However, that didn’t appear to be the case.
“Tellme more,” he said gently. “Whycan’t you help yourself?”
“Becauseno matter how muchItouch myself,Ican’t come!”Hannaexclaimed. “Believeme,I’vetriedeverything.Andit just keeps getting worse.It’smaking me so sensitive thatIcan’t even stand totryanymore—not that it was doing me any good,” she added bitterly.
“Letme see,”Wraithsaid, kneeling in front of her.
“What?No!”Shekept one hand firmly over her mound, her eyes going wide.
Wraithlooked up at her.
“Ican’t help you if you don’t let me see the problem.Wouldyou rather go to theMedCenter?”
Hannawent pale.
“No!No,Idon’t want that!”
“Thenlet me see,”Wraithrepeated patiently. “MaybeIcan help you with the curse.Iknow a thing or two about them, sinceI’munder one myself,” he added dryly.
Thisseemed to finally convinceHannabecause she reluctantly moved her hand.Whatshe revealed made him shake his head in sympathy.
Hersoft little pussy lips were dark pink and swollen with need and whenWraithframed her mound with his hands and gently parted the outer lips, he saw that inside she was looking just as needy.Herlittle clit stood out like a pink pearl—obviously desperate for attention.Butit was very clear by the way she was wincing away even from his gentle touch that the attention she needed couldn’t be given manually.
Luckily, he thought he had a solution.