Page 62 of Wicked and Wild
Helooked up at her.
“Soyou’ve been trying to achieve a release all this time?”
Shenodded miserably.
“Ithink ifIcould just come,I’dfeel better!ButIcan’t—nothingI’mdoing is working, even thoughI’vetried and tried.”
“Idon’t want you to try anymore,”Wraithtold her. “IthinkIknow what can help you, but you’ll have to trust me.Doyou?”
Hannanibbled her lower lip.
“Wehaven’t known each other very long but yes—Itrust you,” she said at last.
Wraithfelt his heart swell.
“Thankyou,” he said simply. “Youhonor me with your trust.”
“So…what are you going to do?” she asked. “Doyou know of some kind of medicine that can help?”
“Ina way.”Henodded. “Howmuch do you know aboutBloodKindred?”
“Iknow they have fangs,” she said hesitantly. “Butthey don’t drink blood—right?”
“Exactly, mostBloodKindreddon’t drink blood.Theyuse their fangs to inject theirEssence, which is a special liquid their body makes just for their mate.Essencecan heal wounds and it also brings pleasure and helps in theBondingprocess,”Wraithexplained. “I’mhalfBloodKindredand my fangs also produceEssence.”
Hebared his teeth briefly, letting her see the short, sharp points of his fangs and the beads of blue liquidEssencecollecting at their tips.
Hannawent pale.
“Youwant tobiteme?” she asked, her eyes going wide. “ButI’malready so sensitive down there!Idon’t think—”
“No, no!”Wraithhastily assured her. “Idon’t want to bite you, little one.Iwant to spread myEssenceon the places where you’re hurt.That’sall.”
“So…you want to lick me?Lickmy…lick me there?” she asked, nodding down at herself.
“Ido,”Wraithsaid gently. “Notfor my own gratification, though—to heal and soothe you.You’revery swollen andIcan tell you’re hurting.Willyou let me help you?”
Shenibbled her lower lip again and he could tell she was nervous about the idea.Itreminded him that she’d never had a male’s mouth between her legs before.
“I’llbe gentle,” he promised. “I’llonly use my lips and tongue—IswearIwon’t hurt you.”
“Can…canItake a bath first?Imean, a dip in the bathing pool?” she asked at last. “Ijust want to feel clean if you’re going to, uh, lick me there.Okay?”
Wraithwanted to tell her that she was already perfect—he loved her hot scent and he was sure he would love her flavor as well.Buthe could see that she felt uncertain and self conscious, so he nodded.
“Ofcourse—whatever makes you comfortable.”
“Thankyou.”Shenodded shyly. “Er…I’llneed to get undressed.”
“Oh, right.”Wraithturned around, giving her his back though he would have loved to see her disrobe.Butagain, he understood that she was shy.Hewaited until he heard a soft splash before turning around again.
Hannawas submerged neck deep in the warm waters but she didn’t look happy about it.Infact, she appeared to be in pain.
“Hanna?What’swrong?”Wraithphased out of his clothes and joined her in the bathing pool at once—though he didn’t really feel the water grow warm and wet around him until he touched her bare shoulder lightly.
“Thiswater’s reallyhot,”she admitted in a low voice. “It’sreally stinging me.”
“Thendon’t stay in.Here—let’s get you out right away.”Wraithlifted her in his arms, but she protested.