Page 63 of Wicked and Wild
“Wait!Iwasn’t finished washing yet!”
“Youdon’tneedto wash,” he told her firmly. “Yoursoft little pussy is perfect just the way it is.Nowcome on,I’mtaking you out of here.”
Andhe carried her out of the pool, despite her weak protests.
Onceout of the bathing pool, he got them both wrapped in drying sheets which immediately sucked up any moisture that touched them.Thenhe picked upHannaagain and took her into the bedchamber where he laid her on the bed.
Shelooked at him uncertainly.
“Um…now what?” she asked in a small voice.
“Nowyou’re going to let me heal you,”Wraithsaid firmly.Hedidn’t want to push her into anything she didn’t want, but sheneededto be healed and there was only one way to achieve that.
“By…by licking me?” she asked.
“Exactly.”Wraithknelt on the floor, keeping the fingers of one hand loosely circled around her ankle to keep himself corporeal.Helooked up atHannaexpectantly. “Allright, little one—you’ll have to open for me or this won’t work.”
“Iknow.Ijust…I’msorry.Ifeelshy,” she whispered—as though she was afraid he’d be mad at her.
Wraith’sheart squeezed like a fist.Ofcourse she was nervous!Thiswas her first time trusting a male to taste her.Andhe would bet, by the way she was acting, that her past lovers hadn’t treated her with nearly the patience and caring she deserved.Well, it was time to break that cycle right now.
“Wecan take our time, if you like,” he murmured and dropped a gentle kiss on the smooth skin of her calf. “Wecan go very…veryslowly if that will make you feel better.”
“Really?”Hersilvery-green eyes widened.
Wraithnodded and kissed her calf again—just a little higher this time.
“Ofcourse,” he assured her. “Wehave all the time in the universe—there’s no need to rush things.Justtry to relax and let me heal you.”
“I…I’lltry,” she promised and already her breath was hitching in her throat.
“Good,”Wraithmurmured, kissing her again…just a little higher. “That’sgood,Hanna—that’s allIask, just that you try.”
Alittle noise that was half moan/half sigh was his answer and he thought he felt just a tiny bit of the tension leaving her body as he kissed her again—this time almost at the crease of her knee.Thenhe turned his head and licked gently at the underside of her knee—it was a delicate, sensitive area and it made her moan even louder, though she didn’t try to pull away.Good—he was on the right track.
Littleby little,Hannarelaxed as he kissed her open.Wraithdid it slowly, savoring the feel of her warm, smooth, soft skin and her delicious feminine scent.Ithad been so long since he’d tasted or touched a woman intimately—so long since he’d smelled that secret scent of feminine desire.Hewanted to savor this experience, to save it in his memory for always.
Atlast he had her legs apart and was kissing her inner thighs—slowly drawing aimless patterns on her soft flesh with his tongue but neverquitetouching her pussy yet.Hewas getting closer and closer but he was determined not to taste her until she asked him to.
“Oh…oh,Wraith!” she moaned softly at last.
“Yes, little one?”Helapped gently at the crease where her thigh met her body, making certain that his tongue didn’t brush her more sensitive areas.
“Yourmouth feelsreallygood,”Hannaconfessed. “Ithink maybe, if…if you want to…Imight be ready to let you heal me.Aslong as you go slowly.”
“WhywouldIwant to rush such a perfect experience?”Wraithmurmured.Rubbinghis cheek against the soft curls of her mound, he inhaled deeply. “Mmm, you smell so good, little one,” he groaned. “Icould almost come just from your scent alone!”
“You…you really like itthatmuch?”Hanna’seyes were wide when he looked up at her.
“Imore than like it—Ifuckingloveit,”Wraithassured her, his voice a low, hungry growl.Andthen he ducked his head and bathed her outer pussy lips with a long, hot stroke of his tongue.
“Ohhh!”Hannagasped and shivered under his tongue but didn’t try to get away.Shewas already hot and wet and he could taste her juices—salty/sweet—on his tongue.Itwas his favorite flavor in the whole fucking universe—the taste of an aroused woman who was willing to open for him.
Wraith’scock was already aching—he had to remind himself he was only healing her.Buthe couldn’t help licking a little deeper the next time, dragging his tongue up her soft little slit to gather more of her honey and sliding just the tip over the sensitive bud of her clit.
“Ohhh!”she moaned again and shifted her hips restlessly. “Oh,Wraith, that feels better already.”
“It’sgoing to feel even better in a moment,” he promised her, hearing the growl in his own voice.Gods, he needed to keep control here and not scare her by diving in too fast!