Page 64 of Wicked and Wild
Buthe’d forgotten how sweet the juices of a female you cared for could be—how addictive it was to hear her moaning your name as you lapped her sweet pussy.Hewas so hard he felt like he could fuck a hole in the plasti-steel wall and he hadn’t even spread her open yet!
“Goingto open you now, little one,” he murmured, trying to keep the growl out of his voice as he looked up at her. “Goingto spread your sweet pussy wide and give you a tongue-bath to spread myEssence.Areyou ready for that?”
Hannashifted her hips again and moaned softly.
“I…Ithink so,” she whispered.Herdrying sheet had come completely open, showing her full, gorgeous breasts andWraithcouldn’t help noticing that her nipples were tight with desire.Herlovely silver-green eyes were dilated and her breathing was coming faster.
Butmost important, her pussy was getting even wetter.Hecouldn’t wait any longer to taste more of her juices.
Spreadingher outer lips gently with his thumbs,Wraithducked his head and found the entrance to her pussy.Startingthere, he licked upwards, laving her sensitive, swollen folds with hisEssenceand doing his best to heal her.
“Oh…oh,Wraith!”Hannagasped and then he felt her soft little fingers carding through his hair.Thesensation sent shivers of pleasure down his spine—he fuckinglovedit when the female he was tasting showed how much she was enjoying herself!
Helicked her again, savoring her juices which were running freely now as her pussy gushed just for him.Hanna’sfingers tightened in his hair and he heard her moan once more.Whenhe reached her clit, she bucked her hips impatiently, which made him think that soon he would have to concentrate on that very sensitive spot to help her come.Butfirst, he waned to taste her some more.
Startingat her pussy mouth again, he lapped upwards, bathing her inner folds with hisEssence.Thistime when he reached her clit, he felt her fingers tighten in his hair.Whenhe looked up for a moment,Hanna’sface was a sight to behold.Hereyes were half-lidded and almost glazed with lust, her cheeks were flushed, and her nipples were tight, pink little points.Shelooked like a woman who was on the edge of orgasm, but couldn’t quite get there.
“Hanna,” he murmured, catching her eyes with his own. “Ithink you’re almost healed now.Doyou want me to stop?”
Heranswer was immediate.
“No!”Shebucked her hips. “No,I…IthinkI’mgetting close to coming.Please,Wraith—don’t stop!”
“Iwon’t, little one,” he promised her. “Butyou have to show me where you want me.Guideme and put my mouth just where you need it to be.”
Justas he had hoped, she took him up on his offer.Herlittle fingers tightened in his hair—pulling until it hurt, but it was agoodpain.Wraithfelt his cock go even harder as she tugged him into position with her mouth directly over her hot little clit.
Mmm, so she’s ready to come then,he thought.Let’ssee what brings her the fastest.
Hestarted out licking circles around and around her clit and soon found that every time he lapped the right side, her fingers tightened in his hair and her breath came in short, panting gasps.
“Wraith!” she gasped, which made him even harder—he fucking loved it when a woman he was tasting called his name! “Wraith, ohGod—I…I’msoclose!”
Wraithwas close himself.Hehadn’t been able to come in over a hundred years—it was a pleasure he’d had to leave behind when he died.Butnow thatHannawas touching him and making him corporeal again, he could feel the pressure building in his balls.
Heknew well enough not to change anything—he’d found exactly what she needed so he kept it up, lapping the right side of her clit over and over, loving the feeling of her tugging his hair and panting his name.Gods, she tasted so good!Hecould eat her sweet little pussy forever—right at that moment, it was all he wanted to do for the rest of his existence.
“Wraith!Oh,Wraith!”she cried and then she was gushing again—her pussy making honey just for him that he longed to lick up.Butfirst he had to ride out her orgasm—and it was a fucking hot one.
Hannaacted like she hadn’t had a sexual release in a long,longtime.Herhips bucked up hard and he had to wrap his arms around her thighs to try and hold her in place.Herbreasts were bouncing and her fingers had tightened in his hair until it hurt—butGods, did it feel good!Then, ohGoddess—he couldn’t hold back any longer!
Ashe felt her trembling under his tongue,Wraithcame himself for the first time in over a century, spurting hot and hard as he tasted her juices.Hismouth and chin and cheeks were wet with her honey andstillhe couldn’t get enough.Hewanted tobathein her—to never stop tasting her hot little cunt!
Wraithkept lapping until she started shying away—her clit clearly over stimulated.Whenhe felt her fingers loosen their grip, he looked up.
“Feelingbetter, little one?” he murmured, placing a kiss on her inner thigh.
“I…Ithink so.”Hercheeks were still adorably flushed and her eyes were bright.Shehad that glow of satisfaction that only a well-loved woman gets.
Wraithfelt a surge of pride and tenderness at the same time.He’dbeen almost afraid that he’d forgotten his technique, but he clearly still had it.AndHannalooked adorably rumpled, with her hair messed up and her cheeks pink from coming so hard.
Hegave her a mocking frown.
“Youonlythinkso?ThenIguessIhaven’t done my job right.”
“No, no!” she hastened to assure him. “Youdid anamazingjob.I…I’venever had a guy make me come before—you know?” she added softly. “Ididn’t even know it was possible—IthoughtIwas the only one who could make me come.”
Wraithgrinned at her.