Page 65 of Wicked and Wild
“Well,I’mglad to prove you wrong, little one.Youtasteddelicious.Infact…IthinkImade a mess of your sweet little pussy.I’dbetter clean you up.”
Andlowering his head, he began to bathe her pussy gently with his tongue, lapping up her spilled juices and avoiding her clit while it was still so sensitive.
“Oh, but…but you don’t have to do that!”Hannaprotested weakly, but he noticed she wasn’t trying to close her legs.Andwhen he caught a glance of her forehead, he saw that the runes were only glowing a little less brightly.
Itmade him think that she might be up for another round—hecertainly was.Kindredmales are multi-orgasmic and he couldn’t get enough of her sweet honey or hearing her call his name.
“Iwantto,”Wraithassured her, his voice dipping down to a soft growl. “AndthenI’mgoing to make you come again.Areyou going to be a good girl and let me?”
Hereyes widened and she nodded slowly.
“Yes…Ican…can be good,” she whispered.
“Good.”Wraithgave her throbbing little clit a soft, open-mouthed kiss and looked up again. “Butthis time, scratch my shoulders—beroughwith me.Iwant to feel your pleasure marking me,” he told her.
Hereyes widened, but she nodded.
“I…Iwas trying not to pull your hair too hard,” she confessed. “ButI’mafraid near the end,Idid.”
“Yes, you did andIfuckinglovedit,”Wraithgrowled.Hehad always enjoyed some pain with his pleasure.Hedidn’t want to hurtHanna, but he loved to be hurt himself—to feel the sharp sensation of her showing him that he was making her come hard and long.
Hebent his head again and began licking her once more.Hewasn’t nearly finished giving her pleasure or taking pleasure and pain from her himself…
Hannalost count of how many timesWraithmade her come that night.Heseemed tireless and wholly intent on her pleasure.Healso seemed to like it when she scratched him and pulled his hair.Hewasn’t rough with her at all, but he seemed to wantherto be rough withhim.
Shewondered if he had always liked pain or of it was possibly a by-product of being dead for so long and unable to feel much of anything.Butwhen he touched her, he was as real and solid as any living man between her legs and she could tell he relished the sensation.
Hannaloved it too.She’dnever had a man be so intent on her pleasure before.Theother guys she’d been with—there hadn’t been many—were much more interested in getting their rocks off and leaving.Withone guy—the one in college who had only fucked her because he wanted to try “fucking a crazy chick” the sex had barely lasted ten minutes.
WithWraith, it lasted hours.Hecouldn’t seem to get enough of her—he went back to the well over and over again like a man trying desperately to quench his thirst.
EvenwhenHannawas finally satiated herself and told him she was ready to stop, she thought he looked disappointed.Buthe simply nodded and said,
“Verywell, little one.ThenI’lldress myself and guard you.”
Risingfrom his knees, he shimmered for a moment and then he was wearing his armor again, with his sword in one hand.
Hannafelt disappointed.
“Wraith,” she protested. “Iknow you’re here to guard me but, well, couldn’t you guard me just as well if you were a little closer?”
Hisforehead wrinkled uncertainly.
“Howdo you mean?
“Imean, well…”Hannabit her lip, feeling shy again. “Couldn’tyou, well…hold me tonight?Imean, couldn’t you guard me just as well that way?”
“IsupposeIcould.”Henodded. “Doyou want me to hold you?”
“Yes, please!”Hannasaid at once.Eventhough he had just spent hours pleasuring her, she still couldn’t seem to get enough of the big ghost warrior. “It’sbeen so long sinceI’vebeen close to anybody,” she added shyly. “Ithought maybe you might feel the same way.”
“Ido,”Wraithsaid softly. “Verymuch so, little one.Here…”
Heshimmered again and this time when he reappeared, he was wearing nothing but a pair of long black pajama bottoms.