Page 66 of Wicked and Wild
“Mmm, those look nice on you but you don’t really have to wear them,Imean, not if you don’t want to,”Hannamurmured, eyeing the place where a trail of dark, curly hair ran down into the waistband of his sleep trousers.
ButWraithsurprised her.
“Yes,Ido,” he said seriously. “Idon’t know ifIcould trust myself not to take you if both of us were bare.”
“Iwouldn’t mind,”Hannaassured him.Infact, despite the marathon tasting session, she was feeling kind of empty inside—she wanted to befilled.
ButWraithshook his head.
“I’mafraid that wouldn’t be safe, little one.Yousee, ifItake you—ifIClaimyou and try toBondyou to me—it might drag your soul out of the mortal realm and into the realm of the dead, with me.”
Hannalooked at him, shocked.
“Youreallythink that could happen?”
“Ithink it’s a distinct possibility,”Wraithsaid seriously. “ASoulBondbetween aKindredwarrior and his mate is one of the strongest forces in the universe.Oftenwhen one of aBondedcouple dies, they drag the other down into death with them.Idon’t want to do that to you,Hanna…”Leaningover the bed, he cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. “You’reso vibrant and beautiful—you’re not done living yet andIwon’t steal your life from you.”
“Well…all right,Iguess.”Hannanodded, feeling shaken. “ButIstill want you to hold me, though,” she added. “Willyou?Please?”
Wraith’smismatched eyes went soft.
“Itwould be my very great pleasure, little one,” he rumbled. “Scootover and let me get into bed with you.”
Hannascooted over—but not too much—she wanted him close.Wraithseemed to feel the same way because the minute he got in beside her, he pulled her into his arms and nestled her close to his side.
“Mmm…you’re so warm,”Hannasighed in contentment as she pressed her cheek to his broad chest. “I’venever met any ghost who was warm before—usually they’re all so gray and chilly.”
“I’monly warm and solid with you,”Wraithreminded her. “Youmake me feel alive again.”
Hannawanted to tell him that he did the same for her.She’dnever been with any man who honestly cared about her pleasure and comfort likeWraithdid.Theymight be rushing things a little, but honestly itfeltlike they belonged together.Likehe was a missing piece of her life she’d been looking for without even knowing it.
Butshe didn’t quite know how to express all that—or if it was too soon to say it.Besides, the many, many orgasms he’d given her had tired her out completely.Shecould feel her eyelids closing, though she tried to keep them open.
Wraithseemed to see her problem because he dropped a gentle kiss on the top of her head and said,
“Sleepnow, beloved.I’llguard your dreams.Nothingwill get near you while you’re in my arms. ”
Hannaremembered that he didn’t sleep and she knew he was right.TheDarkEntitydidn’t stand a chance of getting anywhere near her as long as her ghost warrior was holding her.
Forthe first time in months—ever since theDarkEntityhad started stalking her—she found that she was able to close her eyes without any fear or anxiety.Andinstead of tossing and turning for hours, she fell asleep almost at once, held safe and secure againstWraith’sbroad chest.
Thenext month was the happiest ofHanna’sentire life.Shefelt calm and peaceful and she was no longer afraid of theDarkEntity.SinceWraithhad wounded it, the demonic creature hadn’t dared to come anywhere near her.Itwas as though her ghost warrior’s bravery had banished it completely.
Andsince she no longer had to deal withImpsand unhappy ghosts appearing around every corner, she was much less nervous and jumpy.WithAuntLuna’sencouragement, she enrolled in one of the universities that had branches aboard theMotherShipand began her literature degree again.
Wraithnever left her side.Heeven attended classes with her—Hannasat in the back of the room with an empty seat beside her so he could touch her and listen in.Sheeven picked up an extra course inBloodKindredliterature and began to think of double majoring inKindredandEarthLit.
Shehad never felt more happy and healthy—both mentally and physically—in her life.Andevery day she fell more deeply in love with her ghost warrior.
Itamazed her sometimes—you would think that after being with someone literally all the time, 24/7, you would get tired of them.Butshe never felt that way aboutWraithand he never seemed to feel that way about her, either.
Theytried different experiments to see how solid he could be, starting with letting him drink.Hannaheld his hand and watched anxiously as he took a sip ofFireflowerjuice—a favoriteKindredliquor.
JustasWraithhad thought, if she let go of his hand right away, he became insubstantial again and the liquid fell to the floor with asplat.Butif she held his hand for at least five minutes after he took a drink, the liquid seemed to incorporate itself into his ghostly body and remained in place when she released his hand.