Page 72 of Wicked and Wild
“Youmust make a choice,”theGoddessrepeated.“Thehuman female that you love is in dire peril.Evenas we speak, her soul is being ripped from her body.”
“I’llgo to her at once!”Wraithexclaimed, finding his voice at last. “Igave her myOath—I’llsave her!But,Goddess—she’s onEarthandIcan’t leave theMotherShip!”
“Thereinlies your choice,Warrior,”theGoddesstold him.“Ican transport you to theEarthlyRealmso that you may fight the demon who seeks to claim her soul.ButIcannot promise you will be able to return.Evenif you are able to save your love, you may be trapped there forever, wandering in darkness.”
Wraithdidn’t hesitate.
“Ilove her,Goddess,” he told his deity. “Iwill go to her and fight for her, no matter what the cost.Please—send me quickly!Ihave to save her!”
TheGoddessnodded her shining head.
“Ichose well whenImarked you as herProtector.Verywell,Warrior—brace yourself.Thetrip will be swift and terrible and you must be ready to fight the moment you arrive.”
Wraithdrew his sword, the steel ringing as it left the scabbard.
“Iam ready,” he said grimly. “Sendme,Goddess.AndifInever return, so be it.”
“Yourcourage is beyond praise,”he heard her murmur.
Andthen there was the sound of a mighty wind rushing in his ears and everything was blackness.
“No!No, leave me alone!”Hannashrieked, but her voice came out as nothing but a whisper as the hand made of shadows clawed her spirit from her body.
Withhorror, she saw her physical form slump forward asAuntLunaandUncleBruingrabbed for her.
“Ohno!” she heardAuntLunaexclaim. “TheDarkEntity—somehow it found her!”
Andthen she was being dragged through the open doorway to the grayShadowLandsagain and leaving the brightness of theLivingLandsbehind her for the second time.
Forthefinaltime if you can’t get away.Run,Hanna—fight!whispered a panicked little voice in her head.
Butthough she struggled and kicked, theDarkEntityhad its claws sunk deep in her flesh.Hannafelt the burning, piercing pain as she fought and failed to tear herself away.Heseemed to be all around her—his body somehow made of solid shadows so cold they burned her.
“Myfoolish little slut!”the demon hissed as it dragged her further into the dim gray land.“Ican’t believe howstupidyou are.Youwere safe—Icouldn’t touch your physical body as long as that hulking warrior guarded you.Sowhat do you do?Youleave your physical body and open a doorway just for me—a path for me to come and take you.Youmustwantme to own you—there’s simply no other explanation.”
“No!”Hannagasped, twisting her head to see the open door—it was still soclose.Ifshe could just get free of theDarkEntity’sgrip, she could jump back through the door and slam it closed!
“Ohyes, my little slut!You’remine now.”
“No—leave me alone!Idon’t want anything to do with you!”Shethought of something suddenly. “Andyou can’t take me unlessIlet you—unlessIwillingly give myself to you sexually.That’swhy you put the lust curse on my head!ButI’llnever give in—you might as well let me go!”
Horrible, hissing laughter filled her ears.
“Stupidlittle slut—that rule only applied while your spirit and body were joined!Icouldn’t own your physical body until you offered it to me freely.Butnow you’re nothing but a spirit and no barrier stands in the way!Ican drag you toHelland fuck on you and feast on you at the same time!”
Hannaopened her mouth to protest but a new voice pierced the gray shadows.
“Takeyour hands on my female,Demon!” it growled.Andthen the bright, shining point of a silver sword blade suddenly punched through theDarkEntity’sroiling, shadowy body.
TheDarkEntitylet out an angry shriek and whirled to face the attacker while still keeping one clawed hand wrapped firmly aroundHanna’supper arm.
“Youdare to wound me!”it snarled.“I’llmake you watch whileIfuck your female and feast on her soul!”
“Lether gonowor suffer the consequences—this is my final warning,” the deep voice growled.