Page 73 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 73 of Wicked and Wild

Andthen a tall warrior with long black hair and mismatched eyes stepped out of the shadows.

“Wraith!”Hannawas nearly crying with relief.HerProtectorwas here now—everything would be all right.Shewas certain it would!

Butthen theDarkEntitydrew a sword of its own—a blade that seemed to be made of pure, pitch-black midnight.Thedull half-light of theShadowLandsskated the length of its wickedly sharp edge, making it gleam dangerously.

Thedemon lashed out with its sword andWraithjumped backwards, nimbly avoiding the blow.Hedrove forward with his own blade once more, but this time the demon dodged.

Wraithslashed again, but it was clear he was trying to be careful not to hurtHannawhile he fought theDarkEntity.Hismovements were constricted because he couldn’t risk harming her.

TheDarkEntitysaw this at once, and used it to his advantage.HedraggedHannain front of his shadowy body and flashed his jagged white grin at the bigKindred.

“Fightme,Warrior!Goon—do it!Orare you afraid you might hurt the little female?Isthat it?”

“Let…her…GO!”Wraithroared, his mismatched eyes flashing with anger.Theyhad begun to glow almost as red as the demon’s now—he might be going intoRage—the berserker state of fury that allKindredenter when their female is threatened,Hannathought dimly.

Butunfortunately, theDarkEntityhad found a weapon it could use and it wasn’t about to stop.DraggingHannaclose to its shadow body—which was so cold it burned her—it put the sleek obsidian blade to her throat.

“Notanother step closer,Warrior,”it hissed atWraith.“I’llslit her throat.Youknow if the spirit is mortally wounded in theShadowLandit cannot go back to theLandof theLiving!”

“No!”Therewas horror inWraith’svoice and the red faded from his eyes to be replaced by fear. “No, don’t hurt her!”

“ButIwill…I’lldomorethan hurt her.Iwill damn her to an eternity of suffering in thePitwith me!”theDarkEntitythreatened.“She’llbe mine forever to feast on and to fuck!Mine…Mine…MINE!”

“Takeme!”Wraiththrew down his sword and spread his hands wide.

“What?”TheDarkEntitysounded confused.

“Isaid, take me instead,”Wraithrepeated. “I’mmuch larger thanHanna—I’llmake a much better meal for you.”

“Hmmm…”TheDarkEntitysounded thoughtful, as though it was really considering the bigKindred’soffer.

Hannawas so horrified that at first she couldn’t speak.

“Wraith, no!” she gasped, finally finding her voice. “No, you can’t trade yourself for me—youcan’t.”

“Ican andIwill.”Wraithkept his gaze fixed on the glowing red eyes of theDarkEntity. “Takeme and let her go,Demon,” he challenged. “I’mnearly twice her size.”

“Butwill you be as much fun to fuck,Iwonder?”theDarkEntitymused.

Wraithglared at it.

“Don’tyou like a challenge?Youcantryto fuck me, but nobody says you’ll succeed.Oris it only helpless females you like?Areyou too much of a coward to take on a warrior?”

Thistaunt seemed to decide theDarkEntity.

“Youswear to come with me to thePitwithout a struggle?”it demanded.

“Igive my word as aKindredwarrior.Mysword stays here.”Wraithkicked his bright silver blade away. “Asfor the fucking, there’s going to be some fighting first, but you can try.”

“IthinkIlike that idea.Verywell…”

Theclawed fingers suddenly unwrapped themselves from aroundHanna’sarm and the shadow body moved towards the bigKindred.

“No!” she cried again, reaching out forWraith. “No,Wraith—you can’t do this!Youcan’t sacrifice yourself for me!Iwon’t let you!”

“Hanna, get back to theLandof theLivingandstay there.”Wraith’svoice was hard and his eyes never left theDarkEntity’s. “Gonow, while you have the chance!”

“Iwon’t!Iwon’t leave you!” she cried.

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