Page 77 of Wicked and Wild
“Doit!”Hannaexclaimed.Shescooted nimbly down his big body until she was straddling his hips instead of his face.Graspinghis thick cock (his sleep trousers had somehow melted away)—she aimed the broad head at her pussy.
“Ishouldn’t…”Wraithprotested.Butwhen she pushed the wide crown of his cock into her wet pussy, he didn’t try to stop her.Infact, he took her by the hips and pulled her down onto him.
Hannathrew her head back and moaned as she felt her inner walls stretching to take his huge shaft.Shewas glad now that she’d bought theKindredsized dildo and let him use it on her often.Itwasn’tquiteas big asWraith’sequipment, but it had definitely gotten her ready for him.
Aftera long, slow thrust she finally felt him bottom out inside her—the head of his cock pressing deliciously hard against the mouth of her womb.OnlyhisBondingKnotremained outside her pussy, thoughHannafelt that she could take it with a little maneuvering.
Butthen, after filling her,Wraithstopped.
“What’swrong?Whyaren’t you moving?”Hannademanded.
“Littleone…” he frowned. “Weshouldn’t do this—it’s too easy to go too far.”
“Asfar asI’mconcerned, this isn’t farenough,” she told him. “Makelove to me,Wraith—fuckme!Ineed you to!”
“IfI’mnot carefulImight try toBondyou to me,” he warned.
“Meaningyou’d put yourBondingKnotinside me and bite me to inject yourEssenceagain at the same time?”Asshe spoke,Hannahad begun to move.Sheshifted her hips back and forth, allowing just a few inches of his thick cock to slide out of her tightly stretched pussy…and then to slide back in again.
Wraith’sgold and blue eyes flashed.
“Exactly,” he growled. “Anddon’t thinkIdon’t notice what you’re doing, little one.You’reriding my cock and being a verybadgirl.”
“Ican’t help it!”Hannamoaned as she sped up the pace.Shecould feel theBondingKnotbeginning to slip inside her.Itseemed to her that somehow her pussy was opening even more to accommodate the bigKindred, opening to welcome him in. “Ican’t help it—it feels sogoodto finally have you inside me!Please,Wraith—let me just ride you for a little while.”
“Well…”Heseemed to hesitate butHannareached down and gripped his broad shoulders.Shedug her nails in, scratching hard enough to mark him—giving him the pain she knew he craved.
Onceagain, the pain mixed with his pleasure seemed to tipWraithover the edge.
“Gods, little one!” he groaned. “HowcanIsay no to you when your hot little cunt feels so good wrapped around my cock?Verywell, you can ride me for a little while.Ridemy cock with your sweet, wet pussy.”
“Thankyou,Wraith,”Hannamoaned.Shebegan to work her hips even harder and faster, her bare breasts swaying with each stroke.Hisknot was going in and out of her now—she could feel her pussy mouth stretching to take it.Injust a minute she would have it all the way inside her…
Andthen it happened, she felt the whole thick knot slip all the way into her pussy and begin to swell inside her.Shesat down hard at once, making sure that it couldn’t slip out again—letting it fill her and tie the two of them together.
“Hanna?”Hiseyes widened. “Whatdid you do?”
“I’vegot yourBondingKnotinside me,”Hannainformed him. “OhGod, it’s sobig,”she moaned as her inner walls stretched even wider to take the swelling thickness. “Butit feels sogood!”
Wraithshook his head.
“Wehave to stop—Ihave to take it out of you!IfItry toBondyou,Imight drag you to the afterlife with me!”
“Doit then!”Hannademanded.Sheleaned back defiantly, taking his knot as deep as she could, and glared at him. “Doit—Bondme to you.Andif it kills me, it kills me.Idon’t care!”
“Butyou’re too young to die,”Wraithprotested. “Whatabout your aunt and your sister?Doyou really want to leave them so soon?”
“They’llunderstand,”Hannatold him. “They’llmiss me but they would want me to be happy.AndWraith,you’rewhat makes me happy.Ineedyou in my life—or in my death—Idon’t care which one it is, as long as we’re together.”
“Oh, little one,” he groaned. “Ishouldn’t do this…”
“Doit!” she insisted again. “Biteme andBondme to you—take me with you,Wraith.”Shelooked down at him desperately. “Don’tgo whereIcan’t follow!”
Atlast her pleading seemed to convince him.Witha low growl, he flipped them over so that he was on top andHannawas pinned beneath his big body with his thick shaft lodged firmly in her pussy.
“Allright then—you asked for it,” he rumbled. “Bareyour neck for my fangs!”
Hannadid as he asked, turning her head to one side and pushing her hair out of the way.Inthat moment she felt no fear at all—only the desire to be with her ghost warrior forever—even if it meant she became a ghost herself.