Page 78 of Wicked and Wild
Asthe sharp points ofWraith’sfangs pierced her neck, she felt hisEssenceflooding her system with pleasure and began to come again.Oncemore her inner walls gripped the thick invader and this time it was almost as though she was massaging him—begging him to shoot his cream deep in her womb andBondher to him forever.
Wraithdidn’t disappoint her.Witha low groan that she felt more than heard, he began to spurt inside her, hot and hard, over and over filling her completely with his seed.
Hannahad never been able tofeela man coming inside her before, but she felt this.Andstrangely enough, his cream didn’t seem to melt away like it had when she’d sucked him.Instead, she felt her pussy overflowing with his hot seed.Butit didn’t matter becauseWraithkept on coming, filling her with more and more even as some leaked out.
Shehad never felt more alive or more in love, she thought.Hereshe was, intimately joined to the man she wanted to be with forever with his cock lodged firmly in her pussy, pulsing inside her as he did his best toBondthem together and she never wanted it to stop!
Forever,she thought as she wrapped her arms and legs around him and held his big body close to her own.OhWraith,Iwant to be with you forever!
“Iwant to be with you too, little one,”a deep voice rumbled in her head.“Loveyou so much!Inever want to let you go.”
Hannafelt a burst of joy.Sheknew what it meant that she could hear her ghost warrior’s voice inside her head.Howoften had she seen herAuntLunacommunicate mentally withUncleBruin?ASoulBondwith aKindredwarrior meant that the two of you had formed a link so deep you could speak without even opening your mouth.Thatwas what she had now withWraith—she could feel him filling her mind the same way she still felt him filling her body.
“OhWraith—Ilove you so much!”she sent to him through their newly forged link.“Neverleave me again.”
“Iwon’t—butIdon’t know where we’re going,”he sent back. “Idon’t know—”
“ThenIwill tell you,Warrior.”
SuddenlyHanna’sbedroom filled with a warm, feminine presence.Sheknew at once who it must be.
“Goddess?” she said aloud, looking around for the source of the voice.Butshe couldn’t see anyone—she could only feel the warm, peaceful presence.
“Yes, it isI, daughter,”theGoddessinformed her.“Icame to see why theWarriorwas taking so long to say goodbye to you.”
Hannafelt a sudden stab of fear and she wrapped her arms and legs even tighter aroundWraith’sbig body.
“Please,Goddess—don’t take him away from me!” she exclaimed. “Orif you do, let me go with him.Justplease, don’t separate us again.We’reBondednow andIlove him so much!”
“AndIloveHanna,”Wraithrumbled, looking up. “Forgiveme for my disobedience,Goddess. “Icouldn’t help myself—Ilong to be with her.”
“Andso the two of you shall be together—forever,”theGoddesstold them.“Hanna, you showed great courage, going into theShadowLandto find the little girl’s spirit and bring it back to her grieving mother.AndWraith, you sacrificed yourself for the female you love.Suchbravery and selflessness will not go unrewarded.”
“It…it won’t?”Hannaasked tentatively. “So…you’re not mad at us?”
“HowcanIbe angry whenImeant the two of you to be together all along?”theGoddessasked.“Wraith, the potion you took which killed you carried not a curse, but a blessing.Youwere born too soon and soIhad to put you in a state of stasis untilHannacould also be born and come to know you.Youwere the only one who could protect her from the demonic entity that stalked her—just as she was the only one who could retrieve that little girl’s soul.”
“So…all of this was planned?”Wraithasked, sounding bewildered.
“Fromthe very beginning,”theGoddessassured him.“Ialways have a plan for my children,Warrior.”
“So…what happens now?”Hannaasked uncertainly. “Imean, doIgo withWraithto the afterlife?”
“Notyet, my daughter,”theGoddesstold her.“ForIam giving yourWarriora second chance at life.Hewill be solid and mortal once more so that the two of you can truly live and love together.Youwill bear him sons and the two of you will raise a family and grow old together.Youwill die on the same day after a long and fruitful life and only then, side by side and hand-in-hand, will you enter the gates of the afterlife together.Thisis my gift to both of you for your courage and self-sacrifice.”
“Oh, thank youGoddess—thank you!”Hannafound that she was weeping—tears of joy were rolling down the sides of her face.Inside, she could feelWraith’swonder and joy and gratitude as well.
“Thankyou,Goddess,” he said. “Truly, all my long years of exile as a ghost were worth it to hold my beloved in my arms and know she will never be parted from me.”
“Livewell,Warrior,”theGoddessmurmured.“AndIwill see the two of you later—much later.”
Andthen the warm, feminine presence was gone from the room, leaving the two of them holding each other tightly as they tried to process the amazing experience.
Ittook a little time forHannato speak.Fora long time she clung to her ghost warrior, knowing that he was no longer a ghost.Atlast she said, rather shakily,
“Did…did that really just happen?”
“Itdid,”Wraithrumbled.Rollingthem over again, he putHannaon top and she realized she was still straddling him with his shaft buried deep in her pussy.Helooked up at her, his mismatched eyes shining with happiness. “Itdidhappen—theGoddesshas granted me another chance at life—a lifeIget to spend with you, little one.”