Page 29 of Skittish Seduction
Nathan offered a wave as he headed toward the back so he could get his shift started.
Although Nathan had spent three days in bed and around the house with Khan, he realized he already missed the man, and he’d only been on shift for an hour. He’d gotten a call from Sheriff Anthony that first afternoon, giving him time off to properly get to know the wolf shifter. Nathan sure had appreciated that, and they’d spent the time getting comfortable with each other.
Nathan smiled, recalling his phone call with his sister the prior evening. He hadn’t wanted her to find out that he was starting a relationship from anyone other than himself. She hadn’t batted an eye that it was with a man. Instead, she’d expressed concern that Nathan was moving Khan in so swiftly.
His response had been, “I just know it’s right.”
After another word of caution, she’d wished him well. Then she’d asked when Nathan was going to bring Khan around to meet them all.
“Oh, Deputy Nathan!”
Nathan turned upon hearing Maddy call his name. Seeing that he was already in the alley behind the stores, he mentally winced. He’d been making his rounds without paying any attention to what was going on around him.
Can’t be doin’ that.
After the mental chastisement, Nathan smiled at Maddy. “Good morning, Maddy,” he greeted. “How are you this fine morning?”
Maddy laughed, her blue eyes twinkling. “Well, someone is in a good mood today.” She gave him a cheeky smile as she asked, “There a reason for that, deputy?”
“As a matter of fact, there is,” Nathan replied, unable to contain his happiness. “Remember when we talked about how I’d know when I met the right one last week?”
“Oh, my, yes.” Maddie offered him a knowing grin. “I know it wasn’t my Cindy, so who’s this special someone?”
“His name’s Khan, and he’s—” Nathan paused and barked a laugh. “Well, I was gonna say perfect, but no one’s perfect.” Nathan shrugged, smiling as he thought of his lover. “Still, we mesh.”
“Mesh?” Maddy teased, waggling her eyebrows teasingly. “Isthatwhat young people are calling it these days?”
Nathan chuckled, fighting against the heat threating to creep up his neck. “So.” He cleared his throat, trying to switch gears. Recalling that she’d hollered for him, Nathan asked, “Was there something I could help you with today?”
“Oh, yes.” Maddy chuckled. “Nearly forgot.” Her expression sobered, her lips pursing. “My Cindy is moving here, and she was supposed to look at a house today.” Resting her hands on her hips, Maddy frowned. “Her realtor, Witney Risney, called this morning and canceled, saying that the house wasn’t ready to be shown inside yet, but she was curious about the place, see?”
Nodding, Nathan wondered where she was going with this.
“So, Cindy went out there and found the place.” Maddy’s face darkened as she scowled. “That realtor was there with another group.”
“Ahh, I’m sorry, Maddy,” Nathan stated in commiseration. “Sounds like she undercut your granddaughter with a different buyer.”
Maddy shook her head. “No, that’s just it. Cindy parked and started walkin’ up, wanting to talk to Witney, but then she heard what was bein’ said.” Unease entered Maddy’s expression, and she began twisting her fingers together. “Cindy told me that Whitney told a man she couldn’t just take one of her clients’ homes off the market without notice. He should have called and given her time to make arrangements.” Growing more animated, Maddy continued, “The guy said that,with what I pay you to look the other way, you can figure out what to tell your client.Just make it happen.” Maddy’s eyes had grown wide, and her cheeks were flushed. “Whitney agreed, but said she would expect a bonus for fixing his screw-up. Well, he called her a, well, a female dog”—Maddie drew close, lowering her voice—”if you know what I mean.”
Nathan nodded, not liking what he was hearing at all.
Could a drug or gun runner be setting up a base of operations in Stone Ridge?
Not on my watch.
“Is Cindy okay?” Nathan asked, worry filling him. “Did they see her?”
“Oh, Cindy’s fine, don’t you worry.” Maddy reached over and patted his arm. “After that, she got out of there and came straight here to me.” Pointing in the house, Maddy asked, “She’s pretty shook up, but when I saw you out here walkin’, I wanted to let you know as soon as possible.”
“This just happened this morning?”
Maddy nodded. “Mmm-hmm.”
“Do you know the address?” Nathan hoped if he hurried out there, he could spot something suspicious.
“Here you go.” Maddy held out a slip of paper.