Page 30 of Skittish Seduction
“Thank you, Maddy.” Nathan gripped her upper arm in a light grip, expressing his appreciation. “One of us will check it out right away.”
Maddy nodded again. “Thank you, deputy.”
“Thank you,” Nathan countered before turning and starting back the way he’d come. At the same time, Nathan reached up, activated his microphone, and indicated the code for suspicious activity. “Permission to head out there and check it out.”
“Granted.” Nereo’s voice came through the line, telling Nathan that the vampire was on dispatch. “Keep me posted on if you need back-up.”
“Will do.”
Nathan hurried to a cruiser and climbed inside. After punching in the code to access the vehicle’s spare key lock box, he fired up the vehicle. With adrenaline fueling him, Nathan entered the address into the vehicle’s GPS and headed that way.
Winding his way deeper and deeper into the mountains, Nathan realized the address was really close to where Kontra and his people were holed up. He eased off on his cruiser’s gas pedal as he closed in on his destination. Spotting a dirt road only a quarter of a mile from the address, Nathan pulled into it and parked.
Using the cruiser’s microphone, Nathan reported that he’d arrived close to the address and was proceeding on foot. It took a moment for Nereo to finally respond by saying to proceed with caution. Nathan rolled his eyes even as he confirmed.
Exiting his cruiser, Nathan started through the woods toward the nearby house. He crept along, watching for any movement. To his surprise, Nathan spotted a tripwire in a tree.
Yep. Definitely suspicious.
Nathan quickly called it in. Nereo ordered him to back off until back-up arrived. Agreeing, Nathan began easing away from the property.
Before Nathan made it back to the cruiser, he heard movement in the trees to his left. He froze, crouching quickly. Knowing how close he was to Alpha Kontra’s people, Nathan wondered for an instant if it was a shifter out running. If so, he could unwittingly blow an operation.
Pulling out his phone, Nathan quickly fired off a text to Sam.Are any of your people running three miles northwest of your house?Nathan just hoped Sam was in human form and could respond quickly.
To Nathan’s relief, he was.
No. A few guys headed south, but not north. Why?
Nathan didn’t mind sharing with the big beta. After all, he needed to warn them away from the area until they figured out what was going on.
Got suspicious activity at an address close to you.
After hitting send, he added the address in question and hit send again. Then he added a warning.
Best stay clear.
For a moment, Nathan thought that would be it. A second later, he received another text.
Need help?
Before Nathan could answer in the negative, movement caught his attention. He barely refrained from hissing when he spotted the blond wolf ease from between two trees. Fortunately, the animal wasn’t looking his way.
Acting on instinct, Nathan lifted his phone and snapped a picture. He added it to his text, asking,Know this wolf?
Nope. Want me to ask Declan?
Yes, thanks.
After Nathan fired off that message, he returned his focus to the wolf. Except, he didn’t see it. Cussing mentally, Nathan searched earnestly for some sign of the wolf.
The growl from his left told Nathan what he wanted to know. Except, it wasn’t good news. Turning just his head, Nathan found the wolf standing ten feet away from him. The blond wolf’s lips were peeled back from his teeth, his ears were pinned back, and angry-sounding growls issued from his throat.
“Well, fuck.” Nathan whispered the words as he searched the wolf’s eyes. During his discussions with Kontra and Declan, they’d both confirmed that the only wolves in the area were shifters. They’d also explained how sacred fated mates were to them. Trusting in that, Nathan licked his lips before saying, “I’m a fated mated to a wolf shifter. I’m not a danger to you.”
For an instant, the wolf didn’t respond.
Nathan began to wonder if he would be able to reach his firearm before the wolf pounced on him.