Page 102 of Poisoned Pawn
Aidan takes the seat across from me, tapping his fingers on the table. “Did she tell you anything else about Gage?”
“No. Once she realised that our interest was no longer friendly, she clammed up. She told the nurse, Isla, to say goodbye to Gage for her before we left, so he’s going to know we are on to him when he turns up there if he doesn’t already.”
“Does she have access to a phone or laptop?”
“No, Frankie took all her electronics before we left Seb’s, and I made sure that they all know she’s not to make any calls without clearing it with one of us first,” Roxy tells him sadly, and I know she’s thinking how sad it is that we are treating Erica like a child. It’s for her safety, though I doubt she will see it that way.
“Good. I have a couple of calls I need to make,” Aidan states before pushing to his feet and heading outside.
I drop my head into my hands and stare at the loops and swirls of the wood grain on the table, which match my emotions right now.
“This is so fucked up,” I say, raising my head and looking at Parker. There’s a loud crash and a roar from outside that has my head snapping toward the door. My body reacts involuntarily, rising from my seat, but Roxy’s hand on my arm stops me.
“Give him a minute, Star.”
I sit back down with a heavy sigh. “This isn’t going to help him with his guilt over Erica.”
“What do you mean?” Parker asks.
I look between them, then say, “He blames himself for what happened to her, but he thinks saving her has only trapped her in a life of misery.”
Roxy shakes her head. “No, I don’t think that’s true. Erica is strong. If anything, I think Carter’s only failing was hiding her away.”
“We all know why he did that, Roxy,” I snap agitated by her accusation.
“And I’m not criticising because I understand why. In this world there is no room for weakness, it’s survival of the fittest,” she says with a tilt of her head. “But equally, a weakness can become a strength.”
“She’s going need some fucking strength to get over this because Carter is going to destroy the one man that has shown her any affection, even if it is tainted with deceit.”
Parker and Roxy nod at my words. They both know men like ours don’t hold anything else above the women they love. You hurt them, expect to pay the price.
After that we change the subject and talk about happier things, like Rick and Jess finally getting the baby they deserve. Parker makes all the right noises, but something seems off with her. I don’t get a chance to ask her what’s going on as Aidan strides back in followed by Zak and Maddox.
“What’s going on? Where are Frankie and Carter?” I ask, looking down the corridor for them.
“Going a few rounds in the ring,” Zak says, then adds, “Braver fucking man than me. Carter is wired.”
“He’s fine, Star,” Aidan says attempting to calm me at the look of obvious apprehension on my face. “Once he calms down, we need to discuss plans for tonight.”
I tune them out as they chat, contemplating whether to go and find Carter, but the mention of a name pulls me back from my thoughts.
“Did you say Kingsman?” I ask Aidan, interrupting him and Maddox.
“Yeah. Do you know the name?”
I nod. “I’ve heard it recently. Are they connected?”
“Possibly,” Aidan states with a nod.
I turn to Roxy. “Hey, can I borrow your phone?” She frowns, then hands her phone to me. “Give me a minute,” I say before walking over to the sofa to make a call.
It rings several times before going to voicemail, and I leave a quick message.
“Toni, it’s Star. Give me a call on this number as soon as you can.” I end the call and head back over to give Roxy her phone.
Aidan, Maddox and Roxy are all looking at me, waiting for an explanation.
“My best friend Toni’s dad is dating a Lillian Kingsman, who has a son called Knight Kingsman.” I roll my eyes and smile remembering Toni’s words about naming your kid Knight.