Page 103 of Poisoned Pawn
“You think she knows something?” Aidan asks, his eyes narrowing.
“No, I don’t. I just need to make sure she’s okay.”
Roxy’s phone rings, and she holds it out to me. “Think it’s for you,” she says.
I take it recognising Toni’s number. “Hey,” I answer, but her shouting cuts me off.
“Jesus Christ where have you been? You go missing for fucking days, then call me with a casual fucking ‘hey’! I almost reported you missing, Star.”
“I’m sorry. I’m fine. I had a few things I needed to take care of. You okay?” I ask, trying to sound casual.
“We’ll next time you need to take care ofthings, how about you take care of keeping your bestie informed first, huh? And I’m fine,” she says with a sigh.
“You don’t sound fine,” I press, sitting on the end of the chaise lounge. “What’s going on?”
“Ugh, Knight fucking Kingsman, who else. He’s everywhere I turn.”
“Why? I don’t understand.”
“There was a flood at mine, and I’m staying at my dad’s until it’s sorted.”
“Oh,” I say.
“‘Oh’ is fucking right. Let’s go for lunch, Star. Rescue me from this nightmare,” she pleads down the line.
“Er…” I hesitate, looking at Roxy, who is pretending she isn’t listening in on my conversation. “Give me an hour. Where?”
“Well, we can’t go to Gambino’s after what happened there last week”—I wince and a shudder runs through me at the memory—“How about the little Greek place? We haven’t been there in ages, and I could eat some Tzatziki. Maybe the garlic will keep Knight away from me.”
“He’s not a fucking vampire, Toni,” I say laughing.
“No, maybe not. But he’s a disgusting pig. I’ll see you in an hour,” she says and ends the call.
“Shit!” I mutter, tapping the phone on my knee, because now I have to convince everyone to let me go and meet her.
I’m just formulating a solid argument when Roxy drops down in the seat next to me.
“What are you up to?”
I hand her phone back, turning to face her more. “I want to go and meet up with Toni. And don’t say anything till you’ve heard me out,” I say as she opens her mouth to protest. Before I can explain any further, Aidan comes over.
“How involved are the Kingsmans?” I ask him as he stands there, arms folded and looking between the two of us.
“Enough to pique my interest. Why?”
I explain about Toni staying with her dad and that Knight is also staying there, then I lay it on thick that she needs to vent and maybe she’s heard or seen something that might be useful, plus I can field her curiosity, which knows no bounds, about where I’ve been.
He’s silent for too long, and I’m certain he’s going to say no, but to my surprise, he agrees.
“You’re not going alone.”
“Goes without saying.” I roll my eyes.
“Going where?” demands a voice behind Aidan.
And now I realise that it’s not Aidan or even Roxy that I needed to worry about. It’s Carter.
“We’re going out for lunch,” I say and get to my feet. When I step around Aidan, Carter is there, eyes narrowed and shirtless with blood dripping from a cut above his eye. “What the fuck, Carter!”