Page 15 of Just One Take
“I have some reports I need to work on. Next week is a busy week and I often use the weekends to catch up.”
“Come to the ranch with me?”
“Excuse me?”
“My family is sponsoring a fundraiser at the ranch for a new charity my grandparents are helping my neighbor get off the ground. The last one they held did so well they’re making it a quarterly event for now. There will be kids, a petting zoo, games, prizes. You’ll have fun. I promise.”
Every fiber of her being told her that playing in the ultra-rich world of the Barons of Texas was not a good idea, but she wouldn’t be where she was now if she weren’t willing to take at least a few risks. Now the question was just how risky a mess was she getting into?
Chapter Six
Craig felt like one of his sisters. He’d actually changed his slacks twice and his shirt three times. While his sisters were known for having their entire closet strewn on the bed while they changed three, four, or more times for a date, whatever he put on first had always been what he wore. Not today. At first he’d put on khakis but decided jeans at the ranch made more sense. Then he put on a light blue polo shirt, but for some reason he felt like a Smurf. The beige shirt came out, but now he looked all washed out. Finally, he settled for an ordinary navy blue crewneck top with a breast pocket. Tempted to change one more time, his common sense kicked in and forced him to get going before Kate arrived and found him still upstairs messing with his wardrobe.
“We’re so glad you’re able to join us for the fun today.” At the bottom of the stairs, his grandmother kissed him on the cheek on her way past him to the kitchen. “I need to check with Hazel on a few last-minute details. You might want to see if Mitch and Chase need any help in the stables.”
Craig glanced at his watch and down the foyer to the front door.
His grandmother’s face lit up. “Waiting for someone?”
“As a matter of fact—”
Lila Baron’s brows dipped into a sharp V. “And why are you not picking her up? We taught you better than that.”
“Yes, ma’am. But she insisted on driving up from Houston on her own. I didn’t think it right to be pushy.” What he didn’t want to tell his grandmother was that some women just felt safer in control of their transportation. Not that he was sure that’s why Kate insisted she could drive herself, but he didn’t want to dwell on it in his own mind anymore than he wanted to explain what he didn’t quite understand—like why he was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers—to his grandmother.
She dipped her chin, the frown slipping away. “I think I understand. Very well.” Another kiss on his cheek and she was gone.
“Why, don’t you look smashing.” Siobhan came practically bouncing out of the kitchen, a cupcake in one hand and a cookie in the other.
“I see you’re dieting again,” he teased.
Still hanging on tightly to Hazel’s freshly baked snack food, his little sister flung her arms around him and kissed his cheek. “Hardy, har, har.” Taking a step back, she held out her arms to either side of her and struck a model pose. “As if this perfection needed to diet.”
Knowing she couldn’t do anything about it with her hands full, he reached forward and tussled her hair the way he’d done when she was a little kid. It was hard to see his little sister all grown up. She had always been a cute kid and she’d blossomed into a real knock out. He still wasn’t sure he liked it. Soon there’d be love, then marriage, and eventually kids for Siobhan, but no matter, he would always see her as the baby of the family.
The doorbell rang and Jeeves appeared instantly in the doorway. Craig held up his hand. “I’ve got it.”
The family butler bobbed his head and did a perfect military turn on one heel. Siobhan simply stared up at him with a gleeful grin. “Do I need to leave you and your, uhm, guest, alone?”
Craig rolled his eyes heavenward and shaking his head, hurried to the front door. Swinging the door open wide, he could not help but smile at the beauty in the doorway. The lady knew how to wear a pair of jeans.
In a blue button-down shirt and a cowboy hat on her head, she held out a small bouquet of fresh flowers. “These are for your grandmother.”
Circling around her big brother, Siobhan reached for the flowers. “She is going to love these. Why don’t you to go ahead and do whatever it is you’re going to do, and I’ll take these into the kitchen for some water.”
Maybe his baby sister wasn’t quite as grown-up as he thought. Right now she looked exactly like the little girl in braids teasing him and his siblings about their dates. Not that this was an official date, but Siobhan’s youthful playfulness was shining bright.
The flowers gripped firmly in one hand, Siobhan extended her other hand. “Sorry, I can’t resist teasing this guy. I’m Siobhan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
The nervous switch at the corners of Kate’s mouth widened into a relaxed smile. “Kate Donovan, lovely to meet you.”
Siobhan released her grip, and smiling, took a step in retreat. “I’ll meet y’all outside in just a bit.”
Craig turned to face Kate. “Shall we do as the brat said?”
“She didn’t seem so bratty to me.”
“She never has been. I guess I need to stop saying that. It’s just hard to accept that she’s grown-up.” Closing the front door behind her, he gestured towards the main living room. “Shall we?”