Page 16 of Just One Take
Kate nodded and fell into step beside him. “I think it’s kind of sweet.”
“Yeah. I know you were both teasing each other, but it was obvious to me that it was all done with a great deal of love.”
Having crossed the living room, he opened the back door onto the massive veranda that spread from one side of the house to the other. “That we do have plenty of. She really is a great kid.” He slammed his eyes shut, and then quickly opened them again. “I mean, she’s a great lady.”
Patting his arm, Kate followed him down the back steps. “There there, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Harder than you think.”
“Oh my.” At the bottom of the back steps, Kate scanned what was usually open grassland but now overflowed with tents, and booths, and plastic table cloth covered tables scattered from one side to another. “That has to be the biggest bounce house I have ever seen.”
“We’re expecting a lot of people.”
“Apparently.” Her gaze darting from one spot to another as they walked, she looked both intrigued and surprised blended with a dab of bewildered.
“Hey, want to give it a test run?” Manning the corn hole area, his sister Paige extended her arms and waved the bean bags clutched in both hands. “First round is free.”
“Is that your marketing pitch?” Craig rolled his eyes.
“Don’t knock it. There’s a reason loss leaders have been key in growth marketing.” She rolled her eyes right back at him, spun about to face Kate and shifting the bean bags to one hand, extended her other hand. “Since my big brother seems to have forgotten his manners, I’m Paige Baron.”
“Nice to meet you. Kate Donovan.”
“Despite what this lug thinks, it really is a good marketing strategy.” Paige held out the bean bags. “Go ahead. Show him how it’s done.”
Kate’s eyes sparkled, her smile widened, and accepting the bean bags, she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Watch and learn.”
Taking her time, she studied the wooden boards and swung her arm forward and back several times before letting the bag sail across the way and slide right through the first hole.
“Lucky shot,” Craig called to her. A few more minutes and three more bags made their way into the holes without a skip or slide. Holes in one.
Paige applauded loudly. “I think I’m going to like you. Not everyone can best my win-at-all-cost brother.”
Brushing her hands together, Kate moved to his side. “Your turn.”
“Later. Grams said they might need extra hands in the barn.” He nudged Kate toward the barn and gave his sister a fast wave as they walked away. He’d barely crossed the threshold when his brother Mitch appeared with a calf on a rope following behind him.
“Oh.” Kate eyes flickered with delight. “A baby cow.”
His lips curled over his teeth, Mitch bit back a smile.
Craig quickly introduced the two. Kate’s head snapped around in his direction, he could almost feel her excitement at the prospect of being this close to a realbaby cow.“Can I pet him?”
“Sure.” Mitch stopped in front of her. “We’re on our way to the petting zoo.”
Kate stretched her hand forth under the animal’s nose the way one might when testing a dog’s temperament.
“Go ahead and scratch behind his jaw. He will love you forever,” Mitch instructed before turning to his brother. “Grams and I thought the kids would get a kick out of Ginger’s foal. You two want to bring her over?”
Kate’s head bobbed so fast, he was surprised it didn’t snap off. “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a pony at a petting zoo.”
“That’s because they can be little shits.” Mitch sighed. “But Ginger’s girl has a good temperament. I think all will be well.”
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Kate clapped her hands together.
If only Craig could be the one to make her smile so merrily. He’d have to work on that.