Page 7 of Never Saw You Coming
“Come on,” she called to Thelma and Louise, who were coming with her. The boys adored them, even if their cat, Tinkerbell, was less of a fan. The dogs jumped into the back seat of her car and stuck their noses out the partially open windows while she made the drive to the old villa where Shane lived with his family. His car was parked out front, so she pulled to the side of the road and let the girls out. They bolted toward the front door. Gabby jogged up the path behind them and knocked.
“It’s open!” Faith called from within.
Gabby turned the handle and held the door wide enough for Thelma and Louise to enter, then closed it behind herself.
“Doggies!” Hunter cried, rushing out of one of the bedrooms and engulfing Louise in a hug. Shane’s youngest was six, and while he could be shy at times, he was crazy about her pets. Honestly, he was just a pint-sized joy to be around. Dylan, the older boy, was thirteen and beginning to think he was too cool for the adults around him, but he was still a good kid.
“Hey, Gabby.” Shane emerged from the room he shared with Faith, tugging on a t-shirt. His glasses sat askew on his nose and his brown hair stuck up at interesting angles.
“Hi, big brother.” She hugged him, wondering once again how someone as sweet but clueless as him had won over sassy, curvaceous Faith.
“How are you doing?” he asked as they separated. He scanned her face, and his forehead creased with concern. “You haven’t seemed like your usual self lately. Is everything okay?”
Gabby rolled her eyes. “You’re always trying to take care of everyone. It’s nice, but not necessary in this case. I’m fine.” She hesitated, wondering whether to share some of the thoughts that had been on her mind. His earnest expression encouraged her to take the plunge. “I’ve just been tired lately. Or maybe I’ve got the blues because of being single when everyone around me is in blissful relationships.” Having someone of her own like that was her dream, and it had factored into her decision to move here. While the main driver had been a need for change and a desire to be close to Shane, it had crossed her mind that many new happy couples seemed to pop up in Haven Bay. She’d thought… why not her? She wanted to share in their ooey gooey happiness, and to be the center of someone’s world—something she obviously hadn’t been for Henry—but so far, she’d defied the bay’s matchmaking magic.
“I’m sorry, Gabby.” He touched her shoulder. “It’ll happen.”
“I hope so.” She forced herself to brighten. The last thing he needed was her dragging him down when he finally had everything he wanted and deserved.
He glanced at his watch. “I’d better go. I’ll just say bye to Faith and the boys.”
While he went to say his farewells, Gabby joined Charity in the living room.
Charity flashed her a smile that was gone as quickly as it appeared. “Dylan is playing video games,” she said. “He’s invited Hunter to join him, so it should be a quiet night.”
“Great.” A peaceful one, hopefully, too. With the age gap between Dylan and Hunter, they didn’t always want to do the same thing, so there was a chance Hunter might tire of games or that Dylan would want to play at a higher level than Hunter was capable of, but they should occupy each other for a while at least.
Thelma trotted into the room and launched herself onto the sofa beside Charity, who patted the top of her head but didn’t look thrilled when the dog tried to climb onto her lap.
“Down,” Gabby ordered. Thelma looked at her mournfully, and she sighed. “Fine. Come over here.” She sat on an armchair and made as much space as possible for Thelma to join her, wincing as the dog’s elbows dug into her thighs.
A few minutes later, Faith joined them, carrying a tray of mini cupcakes.
“You have to try these,” she said. “Megan is testing new flavors for The Shack. The limoncello cupcake is divine.”
Megan was Faith’s business partner. She was a classically trained pastry chef who’d left the city lights behind to bake cupcakes in Haven Bay after falling for the cook who worked at Sanctuary, the local bed and breakfast.
“Ooh, nice.” Gabby plucked one up. “Does it actually have alcohol in it? I don’t want to be over the limit when I drive home later.”
Faith shook her head. “No, she used other ingredients to mimic the flavor. She said she wanted everyone to be able to eat them.”
Gabby bit into the tiny cupcake and a burst of lemony flavor filled her mouth. She moaned. “That is so good. Oh my God.” A little sweet, a little tart. Delicious. “Tell her she’s onto a winner.”
Faith dropped onto the seat beside Charity. “Louise is with the boys. Hunter wouldn’t let her out of his sight.”
“Cute.” Gabby’s heart sighed. She wished she had a gorgeous little boy of her own.
“So, what’s new?” Faith asked.
“Kyle and I are moving house,” Charity said. “We signed the sale and purchase agreement today.”
“Congratulations!” Gabby raised a cupcake toward her as if she were toasting them. “Is that the place a couple of blocks away from here?”
“It is.” She smiled, and it softened her hard edges. Charity could be prickly, but when it came to the man she loved, she was a marshmallow.
“We’ll help you pack,” Faith said. “Just tell us when.”
“I will, thanks.”