Page 8 of Never Saw You Coming
They talked about the new house for a few minutes before lapsing into temporary quiet.
Faith turned to Gabby. “Are you okay? You seem a bit off.”
Gabby pulled a face. “Are you all trying to tell me I look haggard or something? Because Shane already mentioned it.”
Faith shrugged. “We’re worried, that’s all.”
“I know.” She appreciated it. Having people who cared meant a lot to her. “Like I told him, I think I’m just melancholy because I haven’t got my own happily ever after yet.” She pinched off part of a cupcake and popped it into her mouth. “I mean, even Corinne has found love.”
Corinne was Logan and Kyle’s mother.
“She and Lawrence are so sweet together,” Faith said. “I’m so glad they went away to Switzerland and were stuck with just that one bed.” She waggled her eyebrows.
Gabby sighed. “Exactly. They have that, and I’m just sitting over here like a pumpkin. The worst part is…” She trailed off, deciding she shouldn’t go down that path.
“What?” Faith asked.
Charity’s eyes narrowed. “Nuh-uh. Whatever is going on in your head right now, it’s not nothing. I can tell it’s stressing you out.”
Gabby sighed. Sometimes it was inconvenient to have perceptive friends. “I just don’t seem to be interested in anyone lately, other than a guy I’ve had an on-and-off thing with for a while, but nothing long-term is ever going to happen with him. That message doesn’t seem to be getting through to my brain.”
“A guy?” Faith sounded excited. “What guy? Is he from your old hometown?”
Gabby took a moment to pull her thoughts together. She didn’t want to give them enough information to figure it out. “We’ve known each other for ages. Half the time, I don’t think we even like each other, but there’s this magnetic pull between us.”
“A magnetic pull is a good sign,” Faith said. “Have you thought about giving a real relationship with him a try?”
Gabby snorted. “He’s a player, so no. That would be an awful idea.”
Charity frowned. “That’s a shame. Have you been missing him lately?”
Yeah, they definitely thought it was someone from back home. She felt a flare of guilt.
“Kind of. But I need to just get over it.”
Faith winked. “The best way to get over him is to get under someone else.”
Gabby laughed, but in her heart, she knew it wouldn’t be that simple.
* * *
Eight men sataround Logan’s dining table, cards in front of them and a pile of M&Ms in the center. They didn’t bet with real money because some of them were loaded and others weren’t. Using candy equalized the playing field.
“Call,” Logan said, adding a few more M&Ms to the pile.
“Call,” Kyle, his brother, said from his right.
“Fold.” Michael placed his cards face down and reached for his beer.
Everyone waited for Shane. And waited. Until it became obvious he was lost in his own world.
“Shane.” Michael nudged him with his elbow.
“What?” He jerked to life, quickly realizing he’d been holding up the game. It wasn’t the first time and probably wouldn’t be the last. Shane was absent-minded and easily distracted. But he did seem unusually preoccupied today. “Fold.”
“Is everything okay?” Logan asked as Tione called the bet.