Page 18 of Reuniting with Lucy
“He’s an alcoholic,” Lucy explained. “He’s been sober for over a hundred days, and now Lizzie says he’s staring at an AA chip, thinking about drinking.”
“You want me to go talk to him?”
“What? You’d do that?Whywould you do that?”
“To help him out,” Jack said. “I feel sorry for him. I know how it feels to have your heart broken by a Parker.” He smiled and kissed her briefly. Mr. Snuggles had followed Jack out of the bedroom and was rubbing against his legs. Jack picked up the cat and stroked its head.
“He might think I broke up with him just to start up with you. I don’t think that information would help the situation.”
“I won’t tell him then,” he said. “Where are my pants?”
“You really plan to leave me?” she said incredulously. She was looking forward to climbing back into a warm bed with an even warmer man.
“It’s the least I can do. Even if you didn’t break up with him solely because of me, I feel a little responsible.”
Dumbfounded, Lucy put the phone back to her ear. “Lizzie? You still there?”
“Yeah. What should I do?”
“Um, apparently, Jack’s going to come down there and talk to him.”
“Are you serious?” Lizzie said. “Wouldn’t that be rubbing salt in the wound?”
“Curtis doesn’t know the break up has anything to do with Jack, and Jack says he won’t tell him. I guess he just plans to buddy up to him and be a sounding board. Befriend him and then tell him to go home? Honestly, I have no idea what he intends to say.”
“All right. I’ll keep him out of trouble till then. Gotta go.”
Lucy hung up and led Jack to the laundry room. “Why does my cat seem to like you more than me?”
“I’m a likable guy,” Jack quipped before setting the cat on the floor. Mr. Snuggles meowed his complaint. “Don’t you ever pet him? He seems pretty needy.”
“Pft. Itry. He’s very finicky. Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked, handing him his clothes from the dryer. “These didn’t get very dry.”
“I see that,” he said, as he struggled into his still-damp jeans. “And why not? I promise I won’t say anything about us getting together. I’ll let him vent and then make sure he goes home. I’ll drive him if I have to.”
“And if that doesn’t work?” She handed him his shirt and socks.
“I’ll tell him you aren’t worth ending his sobriety over.”
“I mean, you’re worth a lot, but getting drunk over you won’t do any good. He just needs someone to remind him of that.”
“Okay. Well, good luck.”
He gave her a lingering kiss at the door. “After I take care of him, should I go home? Or come back here?”
“I’ll be here, waiting,” she said.
He smiled and turned to leave.
“Hey,” she said. “This is really cool of you. I appreciate it.”
He put his hand on her cheek. “I’m not conceited enough to think I’m the only reason you broke up with Curtis, but whatever the cause, I plan to take advantage of it. We’re going to start over and do it right this time.”
“I want that too,” Lucy said.
“His loss is my gain. The least I can do is help him through the rough patch. I’ll be back.”