Page 19 of Reuniting with Lucy
While Jack was gone, Lucy took a quick shower. It was close to midnight and way past her bedtime, but she was determined to wait up for Jack’s return.
She still didn’t know him very well, but so far, he appeared to be perfect. Going to console her ex? That was above and beyond. Curled up on the couch, trying to cuddle with Mr. Snuggles, who was having none of it, she replayed the evening and lingered on the thought of being in Jack’s arms. The intensity she’d felt ten years ago hadn’t waned. She and Jack were like two fierce magnets. When they got too close, they involuntarily clicked together hard and fast.
She’d never felt that way with Curtis. Or anyone else, for that matter. Passion might be overrated for some, but now that she’d had a taste, she was hooked and wouldn’t consent to another relationship without it.
Maybe that wouldn’t be necessary though. Maybe Jack would be her final attempt at dating. She consciously hit the brakes on her thoughts, worried they would get away from her. Yes, she and Jack seemed great together, but they had a long way to go before she could start thinking of forever.
“Hey, slutty McSlut slut,” Lizzie greeted with a laugh.
“Not funny,” Lucy hissed. “And keep your voice down.” She was at her parents’ house for Sunday dinner, which meant the whole family was potentially within earshot. She didn’t need everyone knowing what she’d done.
“You know I’m joking,” Lizzie said, putting an arm around Lucy. “You’re the least slutty person I know.”
“Eh, you have a point,” Lucy said. “Ican’t believe I had sex with him.”
“Me either.” Lizzie made an exploding noise and a motion with her hand, indicating her mind had blown. “He must be pretty special.”
“Don’t tell anyone, okay?” Lucy whispered as Kate and Adam sat across from them.
“Um…,” Lizzie said.
“Hey, Lucy,” Kate said. “Heard you did the wild thing with Jack already. Damn, girl.”
“Liz-zie!” Lucy said, whipping her head around to Lizzie, who looked away sheepishly.
Emma and Dirk came in, and Emma sat next to Lucy. “So…you and Jack, huh?” She nudged Lucy with her elbow and waggled her eyebrows.
“You suck,” Lucy said to Lizzie without answering Emma.
“In my defense,” Lizzie started. “You didn’t say not to tell anyone until ten seconds ago.”
“It was implied.” Lucy rolled her eyes.
Nana glided in, wearing a strapless gown so puffy that she had no choice but to sit at the end of the table.
“Wow, Nana, great dress,” Kate said. “What’s the occasion?”
“This old thing,” Nana said with a flick of her wrist and a coy smile. “I’ve taken up ballroom dancing. I wanted to try exotic, but your father put the kibosh on that pretty quickly.”
“You mean Dad doesn’t want a stripper pole in the living room?” Lizzie said, faking confusion. “Huh. That’s surprising.”
“I told him it could go in the garage,” Nana mumbled. “Anyway, now I have to get used to the feel of so much extra material around my legs, so I plan to wear this until I’m acclimated.”
“Seems reasonable,” Adam said.
“I also wanted to make a good impression on Jack if he came to dinner, but I hear Lucy’s already got dibs. And by dibs, I mean she’s already—”
“That’s enough,” Lucy said, holding up a hand. “Doesanyonenot know I had sex with Jack?”
Her parents walked in behind her. “We do now,” her mother said.
“Coulda done without hearing that,” her father said.
Lucy shook her head. Thank goodness she hadn’t invited Jack. Her family could be a lot to handle. They took some getting used to, and Lucy wasn’t sure Jack was up for it yet.
They’d had sex but hadn’t talked about what that meant, so she was floundering around in relationship limbo. Were they dating? Boyfriend/girlfriend? She didn’tthinkit was just a onetime thing, but she supposed that was a possibility. He said he would call tonight. Maybe she’d get some clarifying information then.