Page 30 of Curse of Thorns
“I will walk with you,” Ason says.
Together, we walk down the hallway and make our way to the cafeteria. Scents of crisp bacon, sizzling sausage, and sweet pastries fill the air.
Ason walks with me as I go through the line and grab a cinnamon swirl bacon, a bowl of fresh fruit, and a large hazelnut coffee.
He sits silently while I eat.
“Aren’t you hungry?” I ask, around a bite of my bagel.
Ason laughs. “No, I went hunting around the property this morning. I’m full,” he says, rubbing his stomach.
My cheeks blush as I do my best to look anywhere but his fantastic body.
After I finish eating, Ason stands. “I came to find you this morning because the Headmaster wants to meet with us this morning,” he calmly says.
“You let me come down here and stuff my face before telling me our Headmaster wants to meet with us?” I shriek.
Ason chuckles and offers me his hand. “I heard your stomach growling all the way down the hall. I didn’t want to be mean and not let you eat,” he tells me.
HIs kind, sweet gesture comforts me, but still, I wish he had told me.
“Well, let’s go see what she wants,” I say, taking his hand.
The door to the Headmaster's office is open when we arrive.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” Headmaster Patricia announces.
Ason and I walk inside and sit down in the chairs facing her desk.
“I won’t waste your time on the weekend,” she begins, as we settle into our seats. “As I am sure you know now, Ason has been working with me to help patrol the academy. I enlisted Ason and his Wolf Shifter clan when the first student went missing. Since I have been the headmaster of this school, we haven’t had any threats or dangers. Now, I have students missing and I know the source lurks inside the cursed forest,” she pauses, and looks away, her eyes traveling outside of the window.
“Why hasn’t anyone tried to stop the evil Witch?” I ask.
Normally, I wouldn’t be so forward, but this isn’t a time for holding back.
Sighing, the Headmaster looks back at us again. “I would give anything to stop her, but I’m afraid that isn’t possible. Once I became the Headmaster, I was warded to not leave the confines of the academy. It helps me remain safe. Headmasters are highly sought after by evil beings. Our jobs are to protect the students we educate and train. To those who wish us harm, I am their biggest enemy and rival. Killing me would leave the entire academy at risk and in danger. So, I have to remain here. The wards keep evil away, but me inside. Now, I have to reach out to those students who have proven their loyalty to the school and to me and ask that they help keep us safe.”
I smile to Ason. Pride swells inside of me. He is so strong and brave to risk his life to help those at the school.
“Farrah, you must understand that your power as a Seer is very important. We haven’t had a Seer at the academy since your great aunt…” she pauses, because we both know the story of how my great aunt died protecting the school. “To have someone as powerful as you, can help protect us even more.”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Your level of magic has reached a power that can help defeat the Dark Magic Witch. She has been taking students for her own, evil purposes.”
“I can feel the Seer magic inside of me. It has always been there, I think. At first, I thought these terrible nightmares I had were just bad luck. Now, I know it’s my power and I can feel it pulsing through my veins, surging with power and possibilities,” I explain.
“This is so exciting to hear,” Headmaster Patricia states. “We can use your visions to help protect the school. Once you graduate, we can offer you a job here,” she finishes.
While I love the sound of hearing that my powers can be useful, I have no idea if I want to work at the academy. To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about what I would do for a career after I graduated.
“We could work here together,” Ason whispers, leaning closer to me.
My body tingles from his nearness and the soft caress of his words.
Clearing her throat, the Headmaster draws our attention back to her.