Page 31 of Curse of Thorns
“Farrah, it is vital that you tell us all of your visions. Anything you see could help us protect the students and find the Dark Magic Witch,” she goes on to explain.
“Well, I think I know where she is,” I say.
As her eyes widen, I go on to explain my research, the map, and the visions I’ve had leading up to coming here. When I finish, I realize that Ason is gripping my hand tightly in his and staring deeply at me.
“This is exciting and concerning. I wish you had alerted myself or other staff members to this,” she chastises me.
I brush off the comment and say the one thing I have been building up to say. “I want to help Ason patrol the school. I want to find a way to get into the forest to stop all of this,” I almost shouted.
“No!” they both shout in unison.
Anger coils around my throat, threatening to strangle me if I don’t speak up again.
“Why not? I can help! I can bring back the missing students. We have to help them.”
“It’s too dangerous,” Ason says, violently shaking his head.
“You are far too young with your skills,” Headmaster Patricia scolds me.
“I can help. If it gets to be too dangerous, I will stop. Please, just tell us what we need to do to stop this evil Witch,” I plead.
“It's too dangerous. Besides, they're gone and we can't do anything about it. What I am doing is helping to stop her from taking any more students," Ason adds in.
“How can you say that? They deserve for someone to look for them. If no one else will, then I guess I will go at it alone,” I cried.
Ason leaps from his chair and stands in front of me, causing me to gasp from his sudden movement.
“Farrah, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you. I know you want to help but–”
This time I jumped up, forcing him to take a step back. His back hits the Headmaster’s desk and items on the surface rattle from the bump.
“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t use my visions for good. Let me go with you or I will go alone!” I command.
“Stop!” Headmaster Patricia shouts, causing both Ason and I to stop our argument.
“I am unsure of what is going on between the two of you,” she starts, adding a sly smirk, “but arguing isn’t going to help. Now, I know that I shouldn’t agree to this, but we are in desperate times. Farrah, I will allow you and Ason to have one night to follow the orders I give. If you are unsuccessful in locating the spell and potion needed to get you inside of the cursed forest– safely– then I will pull you from the plan. Ason will have to continue alone,” she says.
“He can’t possibly fight all of this alone,” I counter.
“No, not alone. He has a team assembled that hasn’t been given the opportunity to begin. Tonight, they will get that chance,” she finishes.
“A team? Why are there so many secrets when there is so much at stake?” I ask. Ason and Headmaster Patricia share a knowing glance that only fuels my anger even more. “What aren’t you telling me?” I shout.
“Students who have shown great strength and knowledge in their powers were brought to secret meetings where they were asked to be part of the elite and elusive team to help our academy. They were sworn to secrecy and not allowed to share their part in the team.”
My mind reels over all of the students who I have sat in classes with, passed in the halls, and– shared a room with.
I look at Ason and see recognition in his eyes. “Is Candi part of your team?”
“Only she can answer that, but if you aren’t going to let this go, then I think we don’t have any other choice but to let you come with us,” Ason says, speaking mainly to Headmaster Patricia.
She nods, but I see her purse her lips in a grim expression. She isn’t happy about this, but what other choice do we have?
Releasing a heavy breath, she rubs the bridge of her nose before allowing her eyes to cast to mine. “Farrah, I am giving you one chance. Don’t make me regret it.”
A smile forms on my face, but deep inside of me, worry builds. If I don’t succeed, what will that mean for the academy?
What will that mean for me?