Page 20 of Wicked Stranger
“What?” Fat Bastard growled and looked up from his duties.
“How much for your services.” Bruce sighed rolling his eyes, then muttered, “Dumb ass.”
Raina was shocked when the cat looked her up and down in a very suggestive manner. “Fifty and a belly rub.”
“Did he just wiggle his eyebrows?” Raina asked shocked feeling as if she needed a shower. “Do cats have eyebrows?”
“Now that sounds like a solid deal for his expertise,” Bruce informed her, ignoring her question. “How about it, Raina? You ready to get this taken care of for fifty and a…belly rub.” Even Bruce shivered at mentioning the belly rub.
“Ah, that will be a no and a hell no.” Raina frowned giving Fat Bastard a disturbing glare.
“Dammit, Fat Bastard.” Bruce stomped toward his friend. “I told you fifty was too much.”
Raina turned toward Wicked, Thorne, and Zane wide-eyed. “What in the hell just happened?” She then glanced back at the cats, who were arguing back and forth. “Did that really happen, or did I have a stroke and hallucinate that whole scene.”
“Oh, no, it happened.” Wicked sighed with a smirk. “Welcome to my world.”
“Bruce was always…different,” Raina said, walking toward them. “But now he has friends just as—” Raina tried to find the right word, but Wicked finished for her.
“Fucked up as he is.” Wicked nodded, then shook her head. “I’m terrified that one day Thorne will kill him.”
Zane stood and pulled out a chair for her. She sat down with a smile of thanks and then noticed Wicked and Thorne were watching them closely. “What?”
“Thorne is weirdly interested in my love life,” Zane informed her with a cocked eyebrow. “As I’m sure Wicked is with your love life. So when we showed up after dinner, and then I pulled your chair out, they are dying to know what, if anything, is going on between us.”
“Oh, so they are nosey busybodies?” Raina asked, seeing the uncertainty in his eyes. He was leaving it up to her whether or not she wanted anyone to know about them, whatever them was.
“Yes, pretty much.” He replied, searching her eyes for a clue to what she was thinking.
Knowing out of respect for her, he wouldn’t make a move, but Raina had no problems making moves. Reaching up, she touched his scarred jawline, thankful he didn’t flinch away from her. She did see the emotion in his eyes, and it seared her heart. “Then I guess we should give them something to talk about.”
Zane met her halfway, and their lips met. The kiss wasn’t as passionate because of the audience, but it still curled her toes under the table. Slowly, they both pulled away from each other, their eyes meeting. “Think that will do?”
Raina glanced at Thorne, who was grinning like a lunatic, and then Wicked, whose mouth was wide open. She chuckled, looking back at Zane. “Yeah, I think that will do.”
“So, you and Raina, huh?” Thorne still wore that huge grin on his face. “I’m happy for you, man. It’s about damn time.”
Zane wasn’t as exuberant as Thorne. Sure, they shared some kisses, but to say that Raina, who was human, would even consider the mate stuff was still up in the air. She hadn’t even asked him about his panther, who he really needed to let run soon. She also hadn’t questioned him about what happened to his face. Not that he liked to talk about it, but it was a part of him, and wouldn’t she want to know that information if she was really interested in a relationship? There were still too many unanswered questions.
“Hey, don’t overthink this shit,” Thorne said, giving him a knowing look. “I’ve been there, and believe me, I overthought everything that came with Wicked. If I had it to do all over again, I would definitely go with the flow.”
“What in the fuck are you talking about?” Zane gave him a narrowed look. “Overthink what?”
“She’s your mate, so don’t fucking try to be a nice guy. If you want her, then fucking get her. I almost lost Wicked to some asshole, and believe me when I tell you not to overthink shit.” Thorne gave him that serious warning.
Zane thought about that, then frowned, his eyes going back to Thorne. “Did you kill the bastard?”
“No.” Thorne sounded disgusted by the fact. “Wicked wouldn’t let me.”
“Pussy.” Zane said then laughed at the sneer Thorne tossed his way.
“Hey, I’m heading over to Fat Bastards for a while,” Bruce informed them as he walked by with Fat Bastard following.
“Scanning the cat porn sites?” Thorne chuckled, shaking his head.
“No,” Bruce grumbled, then lifted his paw as if flipping him off.