Page 21 of Wicked Stranger
“Yeah,” Fat Bastard said, contradicting what Bruce just denied.
“Hey, Fat Bastard,” Zane called out, causing Fat Bastard to stop and look at him. “If you ever look at Raina like that again, I will skin you alive. Got it.”
Fat Bastard nodded, then barreled past Bruce as if his ass was on fire. Zane looked over at Thorne, who was grinning again.
“Did I just threaten a fucking cat for looking at my woman?” Zane asked in disbelief.
“Yeah.” Thorne wheezed with laughter. “You sure as fuck did.”
“Damn,” Zane rubbed his forehead thinking about that one. He definitely had it bad for Raina because there had never been any other woman he would have threatened a cat over. Not a single one.
* * *
“Damn, I’m good.”Wicked said as they cleaned up the kitchen.
“You didn’t cook this. You witched it.” Raina was half paying attention.
“I’m not talking about the food.” Wicked snorted, snapping a dish towel at Raina. “I’m talking about my matchmaking skills. You and Zane.”
“Oh, so you’re taking credit for that, are you? How is that possible when you didn’t even know I was coming until a few days ago?” Raina wiped the counter off and then frowned. “Why in the hell are we cleaning? Witch this shit.”
“Because I wanted to get away from the guys for a minute and stop calling what I dowitchingit.” Wicked sighed then grinned. “And once I saw the way you two were looking at each other, I knew.”
“Oh, you did, did you?” Raina rinsed out the dishtowel and folded it on the counter. “Well, Ms. Matchmaker, we were pretty much at each other’s throats when we first met. So, I don’t know what you saw, but me thinks you saw wrong.”
“Whatever, you guys are together, so I’m taking the credit,” Wicked smirked, smacking her again with the towel.
“Stop it.” Raina grabbed the one she folded and snapped it back at her. As they smacked each other back and forth, Raina’s brain was working overtime. Were she and Zane together, or was this just a…fling while she was here? How did he really feel about her? As those thoughts went through her head, Wicked smacked her a good one on the ass. “Ouch! That one hurt.”
“That’s what you get for not believing in my matchmaking skills.” Wicked smirked, then put the towel away. She leaned against the counter, crossing her arms. “Listen, I talked to Zelda about your situation. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Okay,” Raina said, twirling the dishcloth. “I mean, if you trust her, then I know I can trust her also. I just don’t want to get too many people involved. As much as I want to meet your sister and dad, I’m glad they aren’t here, at least until this mess is straightened out. I already feel like I’ve put you and your family in danger.”
“They will be back after Halloween from their cruise. You will meet them then.” Wicked said, then smiled. “They are going to love you.”
Raina nodded but didn’t say anything. She seriously doubted she would be here then but didn’t want to say anything yet. Raina also knew she had to let them know she had to leave. She had read through the messages on her phone, and each one had gotten more threatening. “Listen Wicked, I don’t know how much longer I can stay here.”
“What do you mean?” Wicked frowned, her eyes narrowed. “And I swear if you say because you are bringing trouble, I’m going to whack you a good one with my towel.”
Raina pulled out her phone, handing it to Wicked. “I went through the messages that were left on my phone. The more I didn’t answer, the more threatening the messages were. Now he knows they’ve been read.” Raina sighed, rubbing her eyes. “I’m going to have to face this, Wicked. I can’t run forever.”
Wicked began reading the messages, her face becoming flushed with anger as she continued to scan them. Her phone made a noise as another call was coming through. They ignored it, letting it go to voicemail, but whoever it was never left a voicemail, only text messages. Raina had started out blocking them, but it was a lost cause because a new number would just call. Sure enough, after the call was finished, another text followed.
“A new text.” Wicked frowned as she opened it. Raina sided up to her, looking over her shoulder she also read the new text.
“I have warned you repeatedly that I am not letting this go. You have signed a valid contract with me, Raina. I will go to the ends of the earth, and I will spend every last dollar I have to make sure you fulfill that contract. Do not make things harder on yourself or worse, make it harder on your friends. I know you are with Wicked. I knew you would run to her because you have no one else. I told you I would make you both pay no matter how long it took and soon, very soon, it will be payday for you both.”
“Oh, my God.” Raina slapped her hand over her mouth with a gasp.
“That sorry son of a bitch!” Wicked growled, glaring at the phone.
“What?” Thorne and Zane rushed toward them.
Wicked didn’t answer Thorne but looked at Raina. “It’s him.”
“Jacob,” Raina whispered, her eyes round with shock. “That’s why he didn’t leave a voicemail. He knew I would recognize his voice.”
“Who the fuck is Jacob, and why am I going to kill the son of a bitch?” Zane demanded, his eyes black as night.